1. Participant anonymity

A note on privacy: This survey is anonymous.
The intent of this survey is to evaluate past and present Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and other programming in support of apple producers in Vermont and the surrounding region and to guide future research and outreach programming. A comprehensive survey of IPM adoption on Vermont orchards was last conducted in 2012. You may answer none, any, or all questions in the survey, but complete surveys will generate more meaningful results.

This survey will be open until January 27. It should take 15-20 minutes to complete.
Note: There are multiple pages to this survey. Please be sure to click 'NEXT' at the bottom of each page to advance.

Survey results will be reported to administrators, grant providers, and the academic community to quantify impacts and justify continued support for this work on behalf of Vermont farmers. Your participation in completing this survey is appreciated. All data will be kept confidential and will not be linked back to any individual operation. This survey complies with Institutional Review Board policies at the University of Vermont (UVM) under project CHRBSS: 17-0299.

Questions regarding this survey may be directed to:
Terence Bradshaw, tbradsha@uvm.edu, (802)656-0972.

Questions regarding Institutional Review Board policies and procedures may be directed to:
irb@uvm.edu, or (802)656-5040.

Question Title

* 2. For how many years have you grown apples commercially?

Question Title

* 3. How many acres of apples do you grow?

Question Title

* 4. Rank the most important diseases you manage in your orchard (1= greatest threat, 2= next greatest, etc.)

Question Title

* 5. Rank the most important arthropods you manage in your orchard (1= greatest threat, 2= next greatest, etc.)

Question Title

* 6. Please list significant disease or insect pests in your orchard not listed above:

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14% of survey complete.