Current Export Activity

Please respond to all questions that pertain to your current activities. If you are not currently exporting you can skip down to the section titled New to Export

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* 1. Why are you currently exporting?

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* 2. What percentage of your total case sales is in export?

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* 3. What percentage of your total case sales would you like export to be in three years?

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* 4. Please rank the following international markets in order of case sales, (1 being the market with the highest number of sales)?

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* 6. Please list your top five markets in case sales and the number of cases sold in 2016 in each of these markets.

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* 7. If you were to travel to attend and Oregon/Washington hosted international trade tasting and educational event, to which cities would you give priority? Please rank them in order with 1 being the market in which you would most like to participate in an event.

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* 8. Any additional comments?