We would like your feedback!

Welcome to the In Compliance Magazine 2017 Reader Survey
Our sincere thanks to you, our readers, for your support throughout the year(s)! We are constantly overwhelmed by the positive feedback we receive from the community and feel honored by your continued readership.
In keeping with our mission to inform, educate, and inspire - each year we release the annual reader survey to help us keep a pulse on what matters most to you individually and collectively, as a group of hard-working, technical professionals. 

To thank you for your participation in our survey, you will be entered for a chance to win one of two $100 Amazon gift cards!
Before we begin, we will need to capture your email address please, in order to confirm your readership as well as to contact you in the event you have been selected as the winner. 

Question Title

* Email address:

We assure you, your answers will remain anonymous and your information will remain private.

To be eligible for entry in the prize drawing, respondents must be a current subscriber of In Compliance Magazine and/or eNewsletters. Survey must be complete by September 22nd, 2017 to qualify. Prize winners of the $100 Amazon gift cards will be drawn at random on September 25th, 2017.
10% of survey complete.