Indian Education Program Needs Assessment

In this survey, we are interested in learning about your thoughts, ideas and experiences you/your child has had to enhance our Indian Education program.

When answering these questions, please consider your child's current experience at school.  Please be as honest as possible and be informed that the survey results are 100% anonymous. This survey should take 3-5 minutes. 
Your time and input is appreciated greatly.
Philamayaye.  Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. What is your primary role.  Please check one.

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* 3. How many children and what grade is your child(ren) enrolled in?  Input the quantity of children within each grade level you have in attendance within the Aberdeen School District.

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* 7. How were you introduced to the Indian Education Program within our school district?

Question Title

* 10. Please check the services provided by the Indian Education program that have been used by you/your child in the Aberdeen School District.  Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 11. How would you like the Indian Education program to assist your child?  Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 12. Per your individual family, how critical are the following needs for your child(ren)?

  No Need Moderate Need Critical Need
Improving school attendance
Improving academic achievement/graduation rate
Providing assistance to Native American students with drug/alcohol related problems
Providing students with information regarding high education, scholarships, and careers
Providing Community programs on American Indian Culture
Awarding incentives to students with good attendance/grades
Providing tutors to assist students with homework
Providing funding for academic test fees
Providing funding for class project or school activity fees

Question Title

* 13. Per your perception, how critical are the following needs for the American Indian/Alaskan Native students within the Aberdeen School District?

  No Need Moderate Need Critical Need
Improving school attendance
Improving academic achievement/graduation rate
Providing assistance to Native American students with drug/alcohol related problems
Providing students with information regarding high education, scholarships, and careers
Providing Community programs on American Indian Culture
Awarding incentives to students with good attendance/grades
Providing tutors to assist students with homework
Providing funding for academic test fees
Providing funding for class project or school activity fees

Question Title

* 14. Which of the following areas does your child have the most difficulties with?  Rank these in order of (1) most difficult to (4) least difficult.

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* 15. In the past year, how often have you attended Parent Teacher conferences?

Question Title

* 16. How would you prefer to receive communication or look for event dates for Indian Education Program activities?  Rank items below (1) Preferred method to (4) Least preferred method.

Question Title

* 17. Indian Education Department uses their webpage as the primary foundation to provide information to parents, students and the community.  How often have you vistited this website to view:

  Never 1-2 times only Each Semester Each Term Monthly
General Indian Education Title VI and JOM information
American Indian parent Advisory Committee (AIPAC) Information
Indian Education Department forms
Indian Education Graduation updates
Native American Student Association (NASA, CHS club)
Indian Education Department Newsletter
Study Night schedule

Question Title

* 18. Is there any additional information you would like available within the Indian Education website?

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* 19. How often do you utilize the Parent Portal to check on your students progress at school?

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* 20. Do you have any suggestions or personal contacts that the Indian Education Department can use to incorportate cultural activities, experiences, guest speakers or lessons?  Please provide those ideas and/or contact information here, or feel free to call/email the Indian Education office directly.  If you have no comments, please put N/A in the textbox below.

Question Title

* 21. Your feedback is important.  Please provide any comments or suggestions you have regarding the Indian Education Department within the Aberdeen School District.  If you have no feedback, please put N/A in the textbox below.