Multi-District Board Trustee & Library Director Workshop
featuring Michael Kumer, Principal of BoardsMTO

Saturday, September 17th 2016
Although libraries are complex organizations involving multiple stakeholders, competing priorities, and conflicting agendas, a high functioning team of a library director and board of trustees leads to community transformation. It IS possible to develop a healthy, mutually respectful and fully cooperating Possible Team that includes the Board, Friends and Staff.
The workshop will include information sharing and facilitation, drawing upon the expertise, experience, and passionate commitment present in the audience. We’ll learn to spot opportunities in every challenge, focus on a new definition of success, inspire others, and work to change the world as we change ourselves.
A dynamic library needs a Possible Team to create its Not-So-Impossible Dream.
This is a great opportunity to connect, learn and engage with other library trustees and directors from your region, including the Capital Area, Chambersburg, Lancaster, Lebanon, and York Districts!
This project is made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, Governor.