Special Olympics Maryland Fall Sports Festival, Cycling Competition, will place at FORT RITCHIE, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, from 8:00am until 3:00pm.

FORT RITCHIE - 14421 Lake Royer Dr, Highfield-Cascade, MD

Volunteers are needed to assist with various competition and operations roles including course managers, timers, and various other logistic roles.

*Sports knowledge is not a requirement to volunteer*

To ensure we are providing a quality competition for our Athletes, we ask our Volunteers to commit to a full day of volunteering (8:00am until 3:00pm)

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Emergency Contact Information

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* 3. Group Affiliation:  If you are a member of a group that is volunteering together, please note that group here. 

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* 4. All registered volunteers will receive a volunteer t-shirt. Please indicate your shirt size below.

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* 5. All registered volunteers will receive a lunch.  If you have special dietary restrictions, please list those below. 

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* 6. Please rate your experience with the following competitive cycling.

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* 7. Job Preference:  Please note your job preference below.  Every attempt will be made to have you work in this role, but we do appreciate your flexibility as we may need to move people around to provide proper coverage throughout the event.