Exit this survey FEEDBACK: 2015 NBDPN Birth Defects Prevention Month Packet We welcome input and feedback on the Birth Defects Prevention Month materials. Your responses will be used to improve future packets. Question Title * 1. What materials did you used to promote Birth Defects Prevention Month? (Check all that apply.) PACT Theme Resources Sample Proclamation Sample News Releases Sample Letter to HCP Factsheet for Policy Makers Education Materials Resources from NBDPN website PSA - "Common, Costly, and Critical" Materials for Local Public Health Department Other If other, please specify: Question Title * 2. Activities or events coordinated for Birth Defects Prevention Month. Please specify: Question Title * 3. Collaborators in promoting Birth Defects Prevention Month. Public health department Hospital/health clinic University March of Dimes Other If other, please specify: Question Title * 4. What audiences did you target or contact to promote birth defects awareness? Health care providers Parents/families Policy makers Other If other, please specify: Question Title * 5. Did you visit the NBDPN website (www.nbdpn.org) for BD Prevention Month materials and resources? Yes No Question Title * 6. Please let us know if you have any suggestions for improvements or for future awareness themes/resources. Question Title * 7. If you are a state health department who received sample social media messages: Yes No N/A Did you use them? Did you use them? Yes Did you use them? No Did you use them? N/A If so, were the sample messages helpful? If so, were the sample messages helpful? Yes If so, were the sample messages helpful? No If so, were the sample messages helpful? N/A If not helpful, why not? do you have suggestions to make them more useful? Question Title * 8. Additional information (optional). Name: State: E-mail: Thank you for completing this survey. Done