WHAT: Call for Annual Meeting Session Proposals -Back to the Future: Where Do We Go From Here?

WHO: MAAM, The Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums, represents museum professionals, organizations, institutions and museum service providers, in a forum to enhance the image of museums and educate individuals on an array of field specific study and programs. The MAAM annual meeting is an important gathering providing an opportunity to share and exchange ideas.

WHEN: October, Washington, DC

➢ Enjoy participating with an intimate audience of museum professionals from within your region. ➢ Test new ideas and refine your presenting skills.
➢ Present at the regional level to be recognized and enhance professional credentials.

Please Note: You do not need to be an “expert” to propose/organize a session.

➢ Forecasting the future for museums: Is the market saturated with museums, is there room for museum growth and/or new museums?
➢ Examining technology changes for exhibitions, visitor experiences, and/or collections access a your museum.
➢ Helping other museums learn from your experiences with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or you blog.
➢ Analyzing changing demographics and their impact on visitorship.
➢ Ensuring your visitors, collections, and staff are safe and secure.
➢ Collecting, preserving and making contemporary materials accessible in the digital age.
➢ Telling the stories of historic houses to a 21st Century Audience.
➢ Sharing new approaches to fundraising and enhanced sustainability.
➢ Introducing innovative and progressive programs and projects.
➢ Seeking the Flux Capacitor?!?

CONSIDER: The annual meeting is the perfect opportunity to introduce theoretical or philosophical frameworks that explore daily issues shared by all. Sessions should present differing perspectives that constructively embrace controversy and enliven the session.

SUBMIT: Proposals must be submitted by APRIL 12, 2013 and will be reviewed by an independent panel of museum professionals in conjunction with the MAAM Conference Program Committee.

Graham Hauck, Execuitve Director
Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums (MAAM)
1025 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW
Suite 500 East
Washington DC 20007
Phone: (202) 452-8040
E-mail: director@midatlanticmuseums.org