Electrical Wholesaling Top 200 Survey 2013 |
8% |
We know from experience that Electrical Wholesaling’s Top 200 is studied and saved by many manufacturers, distributors, acquirers, analysts and investors. Within the electrical wholesaling industry, being listed brings a company considerable prestige, much as making the Fortune 500 does for U.S. businesses in general.
Our determination of a firm’s size for the Top 200 ranking is based primarily on dollar sales, and the vast majority of respondents provide us with their company’s sales data because they know from experience that we handle their information with great care and, when requested, confidentiality. If you would prefer to have your company ranked but do not want your sales published, simply write "confidential" in the box below the sales figure, and we will use the data to rank your company but won’t publish the sales figure.
The editors of Electrical Wholesaling hope to see your company listed in this year’s Top 200. If you have any questions, contact Jim Lucy, Chief Editor, at (913) 967-1743 or via e-mail at jim.lucy@penton.com. Click on the "Next" button to begin the survey.