Student Reading Survey 2016 Question Title * 1. What Class are you in ? 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Question Title * 2. How many book did you read in the last month ? Didn't read any. 1 book or almost a book 2 books or almost two books More than 2 books Comments Question Title * 3. How many magazines articles did you read in the last month ? 0 2 3 4 Question Title * 4. How many newspaper articles have you read in the past 7 days ? 0 1 2 3 4 Question Title * 5. Where do you get the books and novels that you read ? (you can select more than one answer) Buy my own County Library School Library From Friends Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Where do you get the magazines that you read ? (you can select more than one answer) Buy your own County Library School Library From Friends Free Newspaper Supplements Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Do you have a favorite author ? *Yes No *If you have answered yes to Q.7 please name your favorite author Question Title * 8. How can Scoil Dara help you to read or to read more ? Question Title * 9. In relation to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) I am able to carry out the following tasks:(You may select more than one answer) YES NO I am able to send an email I am able to send an email YES I am able to send an email NO I am able to send a text message I am able to send a text message YES I am able to send a text message NO I am able to find a website I am able to find a website YES I am able to find a website NO I am able to use Facebook I am able to use Facebook YES I am able to use Facebook NO I am able to use Twitter I am able to use Twitter YES I am able to use Twitter NO Send My Survey