Attendee Feedback

Please be open and honest in your answers.  All surveys are anonymous and help us to improve upon our trainings in the future.

Question Title

* 1. I have worked in optical for....

Question Title

* 2. Are You a Walman Customer?

Question Title

* 3. My primary role in my office is.....

Question Title

* 4. Computer Vision Syndrome in Today's World Class..

  was FAR BELOW my expectations was BELOW my expectations MET my expectations was ABOVE my expectations was FAR ABOVE my expectations
and the content
and the presenter, Kelli Koenigsberg
the pace at which we learned
and the ability to apply what I learned into practical applications

Question Title

* 5. After attending Computer Vision Syndrome in Today's World class, how would you compare your knowledge now, as opposed to prior to the course?

Question Title

* 6. Would you recommend this course to other opticians?

Question Title

* 7. What was your biggest take away or the one thing you learned that you feel is the most helpful?

Question Title

* 8. What is one thing you would change or add to make this course better?

Question Title

* 9. Any other education topics you would like to see covered in other classes?

Question Title

* 10. Any additional comments....