This is a snapshot of how SurveyMonkey treats personal information and data. FOR FULL DETAILS READ OUR PRIVACY NOTICE. We have also linked to the corresponding sections of the Privacy Notice in this Privacy Basics page.
Creators: You hold an account within a SurveyMonkey service, or are invited to collaborate on a survey, form, application, or questionnaire.
Respondents: You have received a survey, form, application, or questionnaire powered by a SurveyMonkey service.
Panelists: You have signed up and agreed to take surveys sent to you by SurveyMonkey on behalf of Creators.
Visitors: You are just visiting one of our websites because you are curious, you are a guest collaborating on a survey with a Creator, or you have heard about us from our marketing or sales channels.
We have tried to summarize what personal information we collect about you and how we manage it in plain English (as best we can, given we are a technology business). If we haven't defined a term here, please see our main Privacy Notice. We aim to be transparent with you.
We are always looking for ways to improve and welcome feedback on this information through our privacy support team at
See Section 3 in our Privacy Notice for more information.
Contact Information (for example, name or email address).
Whose information? | Our use of that personal information |
Creators and Panelists | We use it when we need to contact you about products and services (unless you unsubscribe) or to provide you with account and transactional information and updates. Although you cannot unsubscribe from these notices, we try to contact you only when necessary). We will also respond back to you if you contact our customer support or sales teams. |
Respondents | We will respond to you if you contact us instead of the Creator. |
Visitors | We will respond to you if you contact our customer support or sales teams and for our own business development – for example, we may contact you in response to your inquiries or send you information about our services where you operate in a business which may be interested in our services. |
Account and Usage information (how you use the services, what pages you click on, etc.)
Whose information? | Our use of that personal information |
Creators, Panelists and Visitors | We use this knowledge to analyze service adoption, make sure we meet our service obligations, manage payments and billing, and improve our services for you and all users. We also will market to you (unless you unsubscribe or change cookie preferences or where you have not opted in (as applicable)). |
Respondents | To deliver the service by helping us improve the user experience for respondents (so that questions are easier to answer), for machine learning purposes (we use the data to keep training our models and to build new ones) and to understand industry trends in and help improve the completion rates on, surveys/forms. |
Device and browser data (for example, IP address, device type, MAC ID, browser type)
Whose information? | Our use of that personal information |
Creators, Respondents, Panelists and Visitors | We use this for service optimization and troubleshooting for your specific device/browser of preference (in other words, we want you to see the best possible view of your SurveyMonkey website pages on your specific device). We also infer your location from your IP address. |
Cookies (data we get from first and third party cookies, page tags, pixels and similar technology placed on your device)
Whose information? | Our use of that personal information |
Creators, Panelists (excluding third party panel) and Visitors | We will infer common identities across different services and multiple devices such as tablets, browsers, and mobile phones to create a continuous product experience or for security reasons, for example. We will also tailor ads to you when you are browsing other sites online, to enable us to determine the success of our advertising campaigns, and to improve upon them. |
Respondents and Third Party Panels | We only use essential cookies on the survey taking experience for survey takers. See Cookies Used on Survey Pages. |
Event data or log files that record data each time a device accesses a server. This contains data about the nature of access, for example, originating IP addresses, Internet service providers, the files viewed on our site (like HTML pages, graphics, etc.), operating system versions, device type, and timestamps.
Whose information? | Our use of that personal information |
Creators, Respondents, Panelists and Visitors | Event data can be used for a lot of different things but predominantly we use it for: monitoring abuse and troubleshooting site and security issues, geolocation, improving the product functionality and creating new features, tracking behavior for content and services at an aggregate level (for example, to monitor service requests or service denial on our site overtime to ensure our site remains stable) and fixing bugs or functionality issues. |
Creators, Panelists and Visitors only | We will use event data to help us make recommendations to you or track your visits to our sites. |
Referral information. This is information about the place where you were before you came to a SurveyMonkey site – for example, if you were on social media before clicking on a link to a SurveyMonkey website, we record information about the source that referred you to us.
Whose information? | Our use of that personal information |
Creators, Panelists (excluding third party panels) and Visitors | We use this data to track the success of our integrations and referral processes and to plan further referrals. |
Information from third parties and integration partners. This includes your name and email address or IP address where you have given permission to those third parties to share that information with us or where that information is publicly available either online or through your device/browser data.
Whose information? | Our use of that personal information |
Creators | To ensure you can sign-up to our service from a third party integration like Facebook/LinkedIn/Microsoft/Google/SSO; to personalize our services for you; and to ensure you can use our service in conjunction with other services. |
Respondents | To facilitate Creators in sending surveys/forms/applications/questionnaires to you. |
Panelists | To ensure we can deliver a survey to you (if you are a third party panelist coming to us from one of our panel providers) or to properly geolocate you for the purposes of survey delivery. |
Profile information. This includes your title, name, and photo (if you provide it). If you are a Panelist, it also includes things like age range, gender, salary range and other criteria you have shared with us.
Whose information? | Our use of that personal information |
Creators | We use this information to provide you with a personalized service experience, to help others identify you (if you are in a team or Enterprise account), to personalize marketing information, as well as to make product, feature and service recommendations to you and your organization so you can optimize the use of the services we offer. |
Panelists | We use your profile to more accurately direct surveys to you. |
All of the above categories of information.
Whose information? | Our use of that personal information |
Creators | To help improve our marketing by, for example, building user profiles to ensure our marketing materials are relevant to you and optimize our campaigns using machine learning. |
Creators and Panelists | For legal and security purposes such as enforcing our agreements, preventing unlawful or abusive activity, responding to legal inquiries and lawful requests, and preventing fraud. |
Account Information and Settings
We use this information to run your account and honor your service preferences. If you are an Enterprise user, we manage this information in conjunction with your organization.
Registration information
We use this information to send you transactional emails and updates about usage and billing.
Billing information
We use this information to bill you, to properly manage your payments, and for our own internal financial audit and reconciliation purposes.
Address book information (emails and phone numbers)
We use this information only to deliver your surveys to your recipients.
Survey/form/application/questionnaire data
We use this information only to deliver the services to you, return analyzed response data to you, and improve the services.
End Page
If you use our survey tool, your Respondents may reach the standard survey end page on completion of a survey. The end page is part of the SurveyMonkey website. We may include our own research surveys on this end page. These surveys are optional for any Respondent to take or skip.
We host surveys, forms, applications, and questionnaires on our websites and collect your responses. If you have any questions about a survey you took or a form, application, or questionnaire you completed, please contact the Creator directly. SurveyMonkey is not responsible for that content. The Creator is usually the same person who invited you to take the survey or questionnaire or complete the form or application and they should have their own Privacy Notice.
We do use and analyze de-identified response data and usage information (for example, looking at page view data, response rates, response types and survey type) for service delivery to include:
• To continually improve the service;
• To make our recommendations around surveys or services included on our website at the end of a survey taking experience more relevant;
• To improve the user interface;
• To maintain a consistent and reliable user experience; and
• To improve services by looking at what questions Creators are asking and the quality of their responses and response rates so that we can enhance our existing features and build new ones to optimize question/answer rates for Creators.
For more information, see Sections 3 and 4 of our Privacy Notice.
Whether or not your responses are anonymous depends on how the Creator of the survey/form/application or questionnaire you receive has configured it. Contact them to find out, or click here to read more about respondent anonymity.
If you are a Panelist - you have signed up to take surveys relevant to you, as sent to you by SurveyMonkey or a SurveyMonkey Customer. SurveyMonkey encourages only residents of the United States to sign up to its Contribute or Rewards panel. For other panels that are not internally sourced by us, we partner with various panel providers. We therefore have a separate Privacy Notice for panelists who took a survey originating from our service but who are not Contribute or Rewards panelists. If you are one of these panelists, you can click here to read our Third Party Panelist Privacy Notice. If you are a Contribute or Rewards panelist – read on!
We do not sell your profile to marketing firms! While we do provide some of your profile to our customers who wish to deploy surveys (see our Contribute Privacy Statement), we do not sell it to marketing companies – we allow our customers to send you surveys solely based on your profile suitability.
A Special Cookies Statement: We use cookies, pixels and similar technology as we have said above. This technology can help us make sure that you are seeing only advertising relevant to you. However, there is a lot about the world of cookies online that needs to improve. We encourage you to inform yourself about your rights in this area and to actively engage with cookie tools on websites to ensure you are expressing your preferences. We have worked hard to improve our preference management of cookies on our sites but it is important you manage these preferences all across the Internet too. Depending on your geographic location you can withdraw your consent to our use of non-essential cookies by interacting with our in-product cookie preferences tool.
See Section 6 in our Privacy Notice for more information on Cookies.
Our Privacy Commitment: Your surveys, forms, applications, and questionnaires and any responses you collect through them are private (except if you have made them available via a public link in which case they would be searchable on the internet). We don’t sell those individual responses to anyone and we use them only for purposes related to providing or improving our services for you, and as outlined in the Privacy Notice. For example, we do make use of respondent related data in our survey tool to aggregate usage trends (mainly metadata) around Respondents (for example, questions answered and success of specific survey and question types over time) so that we can make more accurate recommendations to you around use of our services.
We respect respondent contact information. To make it easier for you to invite people to take surveys and questionnaires or fill out forms and applications via email, you may upload lists of email addresses or phone numbers, in which case SurveyMonkey acts as a mere custodian of that data. We don’t sell these email addresses or phone numbers and we use them only as directed by you and in accordance with our Privacy Notice. The same goes for any Respondent email addresses or phone numbers collected in your account.
If you are a US consumer, please visit our Region Specific Privacy Notice for more information about our use of your personal information.
See Section 4 in our Privacy Notice for more information.
To help us provide certain aspects of our services, we work with affiliates and trusted partners – in particular, we engage third parties:
Where we use any third parties to help us deliver services to you (the Creator), and they process your response data as part of those services, we maintain a list of these third parties here. Keep in mind this list covers all of our different services, so not all of these third parties will be applicable to the service you are using.
See Section 5 in our Privacy Notice for more information.
If you are a Creator, we generally do not delete the data in your account as long as your account is active – you are responsible for and control the time periods for which you retain this data. You can read about this here for our surveys tool and here for our GetFeedback Digital service. Here are some exceptions:
• If you are a free user on our platforms and you have not engaged with the service actively for some time, we reserve the right to delete your account and data in accordance with our data retention policy.
• If you have exceeded your response limit in a Basic (free) account, we will delete the overages if you do not upgrade within a fixed timeframe.
We also encourage Creators to actively review their data retention practices in their account and take care to retain data only as long as is strictly necessary.
See Section 11 in our Privacy Notice for more information. If you want to exercise your rights, please contact us here.
Data Protection Officer: SurveyMonkey's Data Protection Officer is registered with the Irish Data Protection Commission. Contact our DPO at
We may occasionally include optional additional surveys (accessible from the standard survey end page) on completion of our customer surveys. Participating in these research surveys is entirely voluntary. If you have taken a survey or submitted a form which we created as part of our own research projects, you can read our SurveyMonkey Research Privacy Notice here for more information.
GETFEEDBACK DIRECT (or any Early Adoption New Services)