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SurveyMonkey introduces SurveyMonkey app for Zoom to bring live feedback to meetings

SurveyMonkey introduces SurveyMonkey app for Zoom to bring live feedback to meetings

By April 2020, Zoom reached more than 300 million daily meeting paid and free participants—yet our research found that 58% of workers think they will have about the same amount or more virtual meetings 6 months from now. 

Video conferencing is here to stay, and the new SurveyMonkey app for Zoom makes it possible to use that time to collect valuable, real-time feedback that helps you improve virtual meeting engagement and effectiveness.

The new app developed by SurveyMonkey and available through the Zoom App Marketplace, enables you to deliver short surveys or polls directly within the Zoom meeting experience. You can create your own surveys or choose from one of our expert-created templates, and access advanced analytics in the SurveyMonkey dashboard. 

Whether the people on the other end of your video meetings are employees, customers, or even patients, real-time in-meeting feedback can help you evaluate your current strategies and plan for the future.

A few groups who might be especially interested in the app are:

  • Corporate leaders and People teams who want to improve meeting effectiveness
  • Companies that use Zoom to interact with customers and want to improve customer experiences
  • Organizations and experts that hold regular consultations

Collect quick insights and engage attendees with a simple survey interface from within Zoom Meetings and desktop app, and share results live. You can also access more sophisticated analysis, examine results of multiple meeting surveys in aggregate, or transfer the data to other critical business systems from the SurveyMonkey dashboard.

As we were developing the app, we also did some research to help us understand what people might use it for. We surveyed almost 8,500 people about their experiences with video meetings.. The results made the need for meeting feedback ultra-clear. Here are a few of the more striking data points and how you can use the SurveyMonkey App for Zoom to react accordingly.

70% of workers say gathering input from meeting attendees would make meetings better. Have you ever sat through a training session that felt completely irrelevant, or been tasked with running a large meeting without a clear goal? Imagine if the whole team could weigh in on the next meeting’s agenda in advance. This ensures you cover all business needs, improve collaboration and alignment, and simply make the best use of everyone’s time.

Use the SurveyMonkey App for Zoom to poll meeting attendees on future topics, wishlist guest speakers, or top strategic priorities to get clear direction for the next meeting while it’s still top-of-mind. Our research shows that your attendees will thank you—65% think the onus is on participants as well as the person leading the meeting to make sure the meeting is productive.

72% of people find themselves thinking “this meeting could have been an email” at least some of the time. Worse, 32% of people find themselves thinking it all or most of the time.  Needless meetings are expensive for companies—they waste employee time and their goodwill. If the unnecessary meeting is with a customer or patient, you risk damaging their trust and goodwill.

A single question survey at the end of each Zoom meeting can help you evaluate meetings at a macro level, eliminating ones that don’t add value and improving your overall virtual meeting strategy.

More than half of workers (53%) say their meetings could be improved  by “keeping meetings short.” Meetings are a great way to hash out difficult ideas, brainstorm, or talk through individual experiences, but not everything needs to be spoken aloud in the meeting itself.

If your meeting serves multiple purposes, you can use the first half of your Zoom meeting to have a traditional meeting and use a survey to collect additional information, thoughts, or feedback you need at the end. For example, a customer service call could start with the customer talking a rep through their problem and end with them providing contact information, preferences for the future, or other information via survey.

If your virtual meeting does need to be long—especially if it’s a virtual event—consider creating SurveyMonkey quizzes to keep attendees engaged.

62% of people who have gone to a telehealth appointment enjoyed the time savings—but 4 in 10 believe in-person appointments are better.
People’s individual preferences vary. Some—patients, customers, employees, etc.—might have fully embraced the virtual future, while others may prefer authentic facetime. Many might change their preferences depending on the setting. Surveys help you understand how the Zoom meeting experience was for each person so that you can tailor their experience accordingly in the future.

The more feedback you have, the more value you’ll get from your virtual meetings. Without whiteboards to brainstorm across or platters of snacks to bond over, you’ll have to work harder to make your flatscreen meetings engaging. Surveys keep the conversation rich, helpful, and efficient.

Methodology: This SurveyMonkey online poll was conducted April 26 - May 4, 2021 among a national sample of 8,485 adults in the U.S. Respondents for this survey were selected from the more than 2 million people who take surveys on the SurveyMonkey platform each day. The modeled error estimate for this survey is plus or minus 1.5 percentage points. Data have been weighted for age, race, sex, education, and geography using the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey to reflect the demographic composition of the United States age 18 and over. 

Check out the integration page for more details about how to collect live feedback yourself.