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Survey Tips

Performance reviews made easy

Performance reviews made easy

We all know that January brings a certain “R” word with it. Nope, not resolutions (though we’ve made a few of our own: ask more questions, have more fun, eat more bananas). No, we’re talking about that other “R” word: reviews.

Before you moan and groan about conducting performance reviews, gathering employee self-evaluations, or even getting customer feedback, check out the resources below from SurveyMonkey. We’ve made it easy, methodologically sound, and even fun (yes, fun!) to gather performance feedback. Online. Fast. Simple to analyze. All you have to do is decide what to do with the time you save.

You can find hundreds of commonly asked performance feedback questions, written by methodologists, in SurveyMonkey’s Question Bank. These pre-written questions and response options are available to all customers, including those with a free plan.

To search or browse questions, click on Question Bank. Within the Human Resources category, you’ll see all of our performance feedback subcategories:

You can customize your questions by editing the fields marked in gray. For example, change “your coworker” to the name of the employee being reviewed:

Then simply click “Add,” and the question will be included in your survey. Methodologically sound response options are already written (that’s right, we did the work for you), so just keep repeating until you’ve included all the questions you want to ask:

Want an even faster way to send your survey? Try our library of templates for all types of surveys, including performance and 360 reviews. All of our templates are built using Question Bank questions. We’ve simply put together sets of questions that work well together to help you gather comprehensive and useful feedback.

When creating your survey, go ahead and select “Use an expert survey template” to choose the one you need:

You can still edit and add, even if you start with a template. Check out a few of our templates by clicking on the links below:

Working in a leadership position? Learn about the state of mental health in the workplace, so you can help your team stay healthy and productive!