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Fortune|SurveyMonkey poll: online shopping and e-commerce

Fortune|SurveyMonkey poll: online shopping and e-commerce

If you're finding yourself doing more online shopping from your phone, you're not alone. According to a Fortune|SurveyMonkey poll, online shopping is up, even in just the past four years. Key stats:

  • 89% of people say they make online purchases, up from 79% in 2015.
  • 69% say they use their cell phone to buy things online, up from 51% in 2015.
  • 32% say they make purchases through links on social media, more than double the number (15%) who said so in 2015.
  • More than twice as many people in 2019 as 2015 (27% vs. 12%) say they have used their phone to make a payment at a physical store.
  • 58% of people say they’ve used their phone to compare prices on an item while they’re in an actual store—up from 45% in 2015.

Read more about our polling methodology here
Click through all the results in the interactive toplines below:

Question text:
Thinking about your general shopping habits, do you ever:…Buy something online.
Thinking about your general shopping habits, do you ever:…Use your cell phone to buy something online.
Thinking about your general shopping habits, do you ever:…Purchase something through a link on a social networking site, such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Thinking about your general shopping habits, do you ever:…Watch product review videos online.
How often do you make purchases online?
If given the choice, do you generally prefer to buy online or from a physical store?
In general, which of these would you be most likely to do if you needed to make a purchase?
In general, when shopping for something that you haven't purchased before, how important is it for you to be able to……Look at or try out the product in person.
In general, when shopping for something that you haven't purchased before, how important is it for you to be able to……Read ratings or reviews that other people have posted online.
In general, when shopping for something that you haven't purchased before, how important is it for you to be able to……Buy online, without having to make a trip to the store.
In general, when shopping for something that you haven't purchased before, how important is it for you to be able to……Compare prices from a number of different sellers.
In general, when shopping for something that you haven't purchased before, how important is it for you to be able to……Be able to ask questions about what it is that you’re buying.
In general, when shopping for something that you haven't purchased before, how important is it for you to be able to……Get advice or recommendations from people you know.
In general, when shopping for something that you haven't purchased before, how important is it for you to be able to……Buy from a store or seller that you are familiar with.
Consumers today can access lots of customer reviews and ratings about products and services they might want to buy. How much do you think these ratings and reviews help to…Ensure that the products and services people buy are safe.
Consumers today can access lots of customer reviews and ratings about products and services they might want to buy. How much do you think these ratings and reviews help to…Make consumers feel confident about what they are buying.
Consumers today can access lots of customer reviews and ratings about products and services they might want to buy. How much do you think these ratings and reviews help to…Make companies be accountable to their customers.
Thinking about some different types of purchases you might make, how often do you provide your own online ratings or reviews of…Products you have purchased.
Thinking about some different types of purchases you might make, how often do you provide your own online ratings or reviews of…Restaurants you have visited.
Thinking about some different types of purchases you might make, how often do you provide your own online ratings or reviews of…Services you have used.
Have you ever shared your experiences with, or feelings about, a company or product on a social media site like Facebook or Twitter?
How often do you read customer ratings or reviews that other people have posted online when buying something for the first time?
Thinking about the product ratings and reviews that people post online, which statement comes closest to your view?
When looking at customer ratings and reviews online, do you tend to pay more attention to extremely positive reviews or to extremely negative reviews to help make your decision?
Now thinking about ALL of the purchases you make in a typical week (including things like groceries, gas, services, or meals) how many do you pay for using cash?
Do you ever use a cell phone while you are inside a physical store to…Pay for a purchase by swiping or scanning your cell phone at the register.
Do you ever use a cell phone while you are inside a physical store to…See if you can find a better price online for something you want to buy.
Do you ever use a cell phone while you are inside a physical store to…Look up reviews or other information online about a product you want to buy.
Do you ever use a cell phone while you are inside a physical store to…Call or text someone to discuss a potential purchase.
Have you ever heard of Bitcoin?
Have you yourself ever collected, traded, or used Bitcoins?