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NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll: voting by mail remains divisive

NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll: voting by mail remains divisive

Half (50%) of Democrats and Democratic leaners but just 18% of Republicans and GOP leaners say they plan to vote by mail this election season, according to the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey weekly tracking poll. More than half of Republicans (54%) plan to vote in person on election day, while 21% say they plan to vote in person during early voting. Among Democrats, just 22% plan to vote in person on election day, about the same as the 21% who plan to vote in person during early voting. 

Nearly all Democrats (86%) favor changing the election laws to make it easier for everyone to vote by mail; most Republicans (77%) say they oppose such a change. Support has held steady on this measure for the past four weeks. SImilarly, 41% of the American public is confident the November election will be conducted in a fair and equal way, unchanged from the past four weeks. 

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