The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect on May 25 of 2018, with the goal of creating strong standardized data protection laws for all members of the European Union. GDPR tells EU citizens how companies do and might use their data, and enables citizens to better control their data online.
In February of 2018, we surveyed over 5,000 EU citizens (from UK, Ireland, Germany, and the Netherlands) and Americans to learn about awareness, perceptions, and concerns related to the upcoming regulations. Now, we’ve surveyed another 5,000 people to learn how perceptions and fears may have changed one year after the implementation of GDPR.
Overall awareness of GDPR
It may come as no surprise that EU citizens are much more familiar with the GDPR and what it means for their online privacy and security than they were last year. In 2018 only half (51%) had heard at least a little about GDPR, and one quarter (23%) had never heard the term. This year, nearly eight in ten (77%) knew at least a little about GDPR and a scant 6% had never heard of it.
Increased awareness has also made its way across the pond, but to a lesser extent. In 2018, just 10% of Americans knew something about GDPR. This year that number has nearly tripled to 28%, though half of Americans have still never heard of GDPR (down from 78% in 2018).
Persistent worries about privacy and security online
Despite increased knowledge of GDPR and what rights it offers them, EU citizens’ concerns about their online privacy and security remain unchanged since it went into effect. Today, 45% say they are very worried about their online privacy and 51% say they are very worried about their online security.
EU residents have other, more specific, worries. Eight in ten (83%) say it matters to them that their data is stored in their country, and nearly as many (73%) say it matters that their data is stored within the EU—yet just half (54%)—are confident that they know where their data is stored currently.
Improved confidence in corporate privacy and security policies
Perhaps the additional options that EU citizens have regarding their data is causing confusion—they are less likely to say that they have the knowledge and resources to protect their data online than last year (57%, down from 63%).
On the other hand, GDPR may be having the desired effect on companies, as EU citizens increasingly think that companies are doing a good job informing them about their choices about their data (53%, up from 44%).
Citizens are also clear on what companies can do to increase their confidence even more: Most impactful is the ability to make choices about their data and privacy from within their account (56%), followed by simplified language on security policies during sign up (44%), and having detailed information about security polices easily searchable (39%).
While governmental regulation does not seem to have reduced citizens’ concerns about their privacy and security overall, it appears that confidence in corporate privacy policies is improving.
To learn about how SurveyMonkey addresses GDPR, check out our page about it here.
How familiar are you with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,560 1,055 1,471 1,013 1,021 I know a lot about it 20%19%18%17%26%I know a little about it 57%54%63%53%54%I've only heard the name 17%24%13%20%14%I've never heard of it 6%3%6%10%6%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: How familiar are you with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?Survey dates: –In general, how concerned are you about your privacy online (i.e. sharing personal information online)?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,570 1,058 1,472 1,014 1,026 Extremely concerned 17%14%22%7%21%Very concerned 29%28%32%23%30%Somewhat concerned 42%45%38%51%38%Not so concerned 10%11%7%16%8%Not at all concerned 2%2%1%2%2%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: In general, how concerned are you about your privacy online (i.e. sharing personal information online)?Survey dates: –In general, how concerned are you about your security online (i.e. making sure the personal information that you share online is safe)?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,556 1,054 1,466 1,014 1,022 Extremely concerned 20%14%28%9%26%Very concerned 31%31%35%25%32%Somewhat concerned 39%44%32%50%34%Not so concerned 8%9%5%14%6%Not at all concerned 1%2%1%2%1%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: In general, how concerned are you about your security online (i.e. making sure the personal information that you share online is safe)?Survey dates: –How confident are you that you know where your data is stored?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,556 1,055 1,468 1,012 1,021 Extremely confident 5%5%4%4%6%Very confident 12%12%11%12%13%Somewhat confident 37%30%38%45%37%Not so confident 36%38%37%34%34%Not at all confident 10%14%10%5%10%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: How confident are you that you know where your data is stored?Survey dates: –How important is it to you that your data is stored in your country?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,513 1,055 1,450 1,002 1,006 Extremely important 21%20%25%12%26%Very important 31%30%31%30%32%Somewhat important 32%28%31%38%31%Not so important 12%16%11%16%8%Not at all important 4%7%3%5%3%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: How important is it to you that your data is stored in your country?Survey dates: –How important is it to you that your data is stored in the EU?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,513 1,041 1,454 1,001 1,017 Extremely important 16%14%22%7%16%Very important 26%23%32%20%26%Somewhat important 32%31%32%32%32%Not so important 18%19%11%26%18%Not at all important 9%13%4%14%8%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: How important is it to you that your data is stored in the EU?Survey dates: –Which of these statements is closer to your thinking, even if neither is exactly right?_1
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,571 1,058 1,473 1,015 1,025 I have the knowledge and resources to protect my data online 57%59%52%59%59%I don't know what to do to protect my data online 43%41%48%41%41%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: Which of these statements is closer to your thinking, even if neither is exactly right?_1Survey dates: –Which of these statements is closer to your thinking, even if neither is exactly right?_2
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,536 1,049 1,464 1,004 1,019 In general, companies are doing a good job of informing me about my choices regarding my data online 53%53%54%49%56%In general, companies are not doing enough to inform me about my choices regarding my data online 47%47%46%51%44%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: Which of these statements is closer to your thinking, even if neither is exactly right?_2Survey dates: –Do you think the government should play a large role, a small role, or should it not be involved in regulating online privacy and security?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,566 1,058 1,472 1,012 1,024 Large role 67%64%67%69%65%Small role 26%29%24%25%26%Should not be involved 7%7%9%5%8%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: Do you think the government should play a large role, a small role, or should it not be involved in regulating online privacy and security?Survey dates: –Does your country have laws in place to protect people's data and privacy online?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,563 1,057 1,469 1,014 1,023 Yes 71%78%63%73%75%No 7%8%6%8%5%Don't know 22%14%31%19%20%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: Does your country have laws in place to protect people's data and privacy online?Survey dates: –Have you ever chosen not to use a company's products or services because of security or privacy concerns?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,570 1,059 1,473 1,013 1,025 Yes 58%57%62%57%54%No 42%43%38%43%46%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: Have you ever chosen not to use a company's products or services because of security or privacy concerns?Survey dates: –Have you ever stopped using a company's products or services because of security or privacy concerns?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,562 1,055 1,473 1,012 1,022 Yes 44%46%48%42%41%No 42%40%37%46%47%Considered it, but didn't do it 14%14%15%12%12%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: Have you ever stopped using a company's products or services because of security or privacy concerns?Survey dates: –Often, web browsers collect information about you (interests, browsing habits, location) in order to serve up more relevant content or remember your preferences. Would you say that personalized content served up to you by web browsers collecting this information is more helpful or more intrusive to you?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,547 1,050 1,466 1,010 1,021 More helpful 25%26%24%21%30%More intrusive 60%61%60%68%52%Don't know 15%13%16%11%18%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: Often, web browsers collect information about you (interests, browsing habits, location) in order to serve up more relevant content or remember your preferences. Would you say that personalized content served up to you by web browsers collecting this information is more helpful or more intrusive to you?Survey dates: –Which of the following are most important to you? Please choose up to 3.
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,585 1,064 1,475 1,018 1,028 That I can request any website to delete personal information they have about me 46%45%48%46%44%That data that I share with websites is completely secure 46%38%50%46%48%That I can control which websites have data about me 35%37%32%39%33%That I can control the types of personal data that websites have about me 33%31%38%26%36%That I can opt out of communications from websites 33%28%31%38%34%That I can request any website to give me the personal information they have about me 29%32%30%25%27%That when I sign up for a website or service, the legal terms are clear 24%23%25%24%24%That personal data about me is stored in my own country 16%15%18%12%19%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: Which of the following are most important to you? Please choose up to 3.Survey dates: –Which of the following increase your confidence that a company will keep your data safe?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,581 1,063 1,474 1,016 1,028 Ability to make choices about my data and privacy from my account 56%54%62%49%56%Simplified language about security policies during signup 44%39%47%47%39%Having detailed information about security policies easily searchable 39%32%45%33%43%News about the security of a company 25%33%25%16%24%Recommendation from a trusted friend or colleague 20%16%24%20%19%Lack of news about breaches from a company 19%12%24%16%24%Marketing materials that outline the company’s security offerings 14%9%17%10%18%None of the above 8%9%5%10%8%Other (please specify) 1%1%1%1%1%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: Which of the following increase your confidence that a company will keep your data safe?Survey dates: –Which of the following most increases your confidence that a company will keep your data safe?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,505 1,045 1,451 997 1,012 Ability to make choices about my data and privacy from my account 37%40%39%31%35%Simplified language about security policies during signup 16%14%16%20%13%Having detailed information about security policies easily searchable 15%10%16%16%18%News about the security of a company 8%15%6%6%6%None of the above 7%9%5%9%8%Lack of news about breaches from a company 7%4%8%7%9%Recommendation from a trusted friend or colleague 5%5%6%8%3%Marketing materials that outline the company’s security offerings 4%2%5%3%6%[Insert text from Other] 1%1%0%1%1%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: Which of the following most increases your confidence that a company will keep your data safe?Survey dates: –What is your gender?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,564 1,062 1,471 1,007 1,024 Male 47%50%42%49%49%Female 53%50%58%51%51%Non binary 0%1%0%0%1%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: What is your gender?Survey dates: –What is your age?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,574 1,060 1,473 1,013 1,028 18 - 24 11%9%12%10%13%25 - 34 23%20%26%23%22%35 - 44 26%27%27%23%27%45 - 54 22%24%20%23%21%55 - 64 16%18%13%18%15%65 and up 2%1%2%2%1%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: What is your age?Survey dates: –Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,566 1,057 1,470 1,014 1,025 Employed, working full-time 54%56%52%49%60%Employed, working part-time 21%17%20%29%17%Not employed, looking for work 7%5%9%7%8%Not employed, NOT looking for work 8%9%9%8%7%Retired 5%9%5%2%4%Disabled, not able to work 4%3%4%5%5%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?Survey dates: –In what country do you reside?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total Germany Ireland Netherlands UK Unweighted N 4,585 1,064 1,475 1,018 1,028 Ireland 32%0%100%0%0%Germany 23%100%0%0%0%UK 22%0%0%0%100%Netherlands 22%0%0%100%0%USA 0%0%0%0%0%France 0%0%0%0%0%Denmark 0%0%0%0%0%Sweden 0%0%0%0%0%Iceland 0%0%0%0%0%Finland 0%0%0%0%0%Norway 0%0%0%0%0%Other (please specify) 0%0%0%0%0%No answer 0%0%0%0%0%Question wording: In what country do you reside?Survey dates: –
How familiar are you with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,963 1,963 I know a lot about it 6%6%I know a little about it 23%23%I've only heard the name 20%20%I've never heard of it 52%52%No answer 0%0%Question wording: How familiar are you with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?Survey dates: –In general, how concerned are you about your privacy online (i.e. sharing personal information online)?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,967 1,967 Extremely concerned 27%27%Very concerned 32%32%Somewhat concerned 33%33%Not so concerned 6%6%Not at all concerned 2%2%No answer 0%0%Question wording: In general, how concerned are you about your privacy online (i.e. sharing personal information online)?Survey dates: –In general, how concerned are you about your security online (i.e. making sure the personal information that you share online is safe)?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,961 1,961 Extremely concerned 37%37%Very concerned 36%36%Somewhat concerned 22%22%Not so concerned 3%3%Not at all concerned 2%2%No answer 0%0%Question wording: In general, how concerned are you about your security online (i.e. making sure the personal information that you share online is safe)?Survey dates: –How confident are you that you know where your data is stored?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,965 1,965 Extremely confident 5%5%Very confident 11%11%Somewhat confident 38%38%Not so confident 33%33%Not at all confident 13%13%No answer 0%0%Question wording: How confident are you that you know where your data is stored?Survey dates: –How important is it to you that your data is stored in your country?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,951 1,951 Extremely important 33%33%Very important 28%28%Somewhat important 26%26%Not so important 9%9%Not at all important 4%4%No answer 0%0%Question wording: How important is it to you that your data is stored in your country?Survey dates: –Which of these statements is closer to your thinking, even if neither is exactly right?_1
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,967 1,967 I have the knowledge and resources to protect my data online 51%51%I don't know what to do to protect my data online 49%49%No answer 0%0%Question wording: Which of these statements is closer to your thinking, even if neither is exactly right?_1Survey dates: –Which of these statements is closer to your thinking, even if neither is exactly right?_2
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,948 1,948 In general, companies are doing a good job of informing me about my choices regarding my data online 35%35%In general, companies are not doing enough to inform me about my choices regarding my data online 65%65%No answer 0%0%Question wording: Which of these statements is closer to your thinking, even if neither is exactly right?_2Survey dates: –Do you think the government should play a large role, a small role, or should it not be involved in regulating online privacy and security?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,965 1,965 Large role 45%45%Small role 39%39%Should not be involved 16%16%No answer 0%0%Question wording: Do you think the government should play a large role, a small role, or should it not be involved in regulating online privacy and security?Survey dates: –Does your country have laws in place to protect people's data and privacy online?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,963 1,963 Yes 52%52%No 9%9%Don't know 38%38%No answer 0%0%Question wording: Does your country have laws in place to protect people's data and privacy online?Survey dates: –Have you ever chosen not to use a company's products or services because of security or privacy concerns?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,959 1,959 Yes 73%73%No 27%27%No answer 0%0%Question wording: Have you ever chosen not to use a company's products or services because of security or privacy concerns?Survey dates: –Have you ever stopped using a company's products or services because of security or privacy concerns?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,956 1,956 Yes 57%57%No 29%29%Considered it, but didn't do it 14%14%No answer 0%0%Question wording: Have you ever stopped using a company's products or services because of security or privacy concerns?Survey dates: –Often, web browsers collect information about you (interests, browsing habits, location) in order to serve up more relevant content or remember your preferences. Would you say that personalized content served up to you by web browsers collecting this information is more helpful or more intrusive to you?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,963 1,963 More helpful 27%27%More intrusive 58%58%Don't know 15%15%No answer 0%0%Question wording: Often, web browsers collect information about you (interests, browsing habits, location) in order to serve up more relevant content or remember your preferences. Would you say that personalized content served up to you by web browsers collecting this information is more helpful or more intrusive to you?Survey dates: –Which of the following are most important to you? Please choose up to 3.
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,973 1,973 That data that I share with websites is completely secure 50%50%That I can request any website to delete personal information they have about me 47%47%That I can control the types of personal data that websites have about me 45%45%That I can control which websites have data about me 36%36%That I can opt out of communications from websites 32%32%That I can request any website to give me the personal information they have about me 26%26%That when I sign up for a website or service, the legal terms are clear 21%21%That personal data about me is stored in my own country 17%17%No answer 0%0%Question wording: Which of the following are most important to you? Please choose up to 3.Survey dates: –Which of the following increase your confidence that a company will keep your data safe?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,969 1,969 Ability to make choices about my data and privacy from my account 63%63%Having detailed information about security policies easily searchable 45%45%Simplified language about security policies during signup 41%41%News about the security of a company 24%24%Lack of news about breaches from a company 23%23%Recommendation from a trusted friend or colleague 22%22%Marketing materials that outline the company’s security offerings 17%17%None of the above 6%6%Other (please specify) 2%2%No answer 0%0%Question wording: Which of the following increase your confidence that a company will keep your data safe?Survey dates: –Which of the following most increases your confidence that a company will keep your data safe?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,926 1,926 Ability to make choices about my data and privacy from my account 43%43%Having detailed information about security policies easily searchable 17%17%Simplified language about security policies during signup 12%12%Lack of news about breaches from a company 8%8%None of the above 6%6%News about the security of a company 5%5%Marketing materials that outline the company’s security offerings 4%4%Recommendation from a trusted friend or colleague 4%4%[Insert text from Other] 2%2%No answer 0%0%Question wording: Which of the following most increases your confidence that a company will keep your data safe?Survey dates: –What is your gender?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,959 1,959 Male 44%44%Female 55%55%Non binary 1%1%No answer 0%0%Question wording: What is your gender?Survey dates: –What is your age?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,964 1,964 18 - 24 20%20%25 - 34 27%27%35 - 44 12%12%45 - 54 18%18%55 - 64 13%13%65 and up 10%10%No answer 0%0%Question wording: What is your age?Survey dates: –Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,967 1,967 Employed, working full-time 52%52%Employed, working part-time 18%18%Not employed, looking for work 9%9%Not employed, NOT looking for work 7%7%Retired 11%11%Disabled, not able to work 4%4%No answer 0%0%Question wording: Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?Survey dates: –In what country do you reside?
In what country do you reside? Answer Total USA Unweighted N 1,973 1,973 USA 100%100%Germany 0%0%Ireland 0%0%Netherlands 0%0%UK 0%0%France 0%0%Denmark 0%0%Sweden 0%0%Iceland 0%0%Finland 0%0%Norway 0%0%Other (please specify) 0%0%No answer 0%0%Question wording: In what country do you reside?Survey dates: –