1. Welcome.

As we grapple with how to create revenues with our online brands it's obvious that we must understand more about our audiences than just whether the number of unique users is increasing month on month.

How much of our audience are regular visitors or eager participants in our online comemnt forums? How many are based abroad and how many are just dipping in to follow a link to one page?

The Digital Editors' Network Winter 2010 meeting on February 25th will give you the chance to compare notes other digital editors and see how your site measures up to industry trends (See: http://den-winter2010.eventbrite.com ).

To add to that Chatham House Rule-discussion, we are asking all participants to complete this survey.

Please be assured that your individual responses will remain anonymous and will only be reported as part of the group results. However, if you would like a summary of the survey findings, you can include your contact details at the end of the survey.

Your participation is voluntary and you may refuse to answer any question. The survey only takes about 10 minutes to complete. By completing the survey, you indicate your consent to participate in the project.

If you have questions, or comments about the research, please contact François Nel at FPNel @ uclan.ac.uk / @francoisnel / +(0)1772)894730.

And, of course, if you could pass this link along to other digital editors who would be interested in contributing to the research, that would be very much appreciated.

Thank you.

Question Title

* 2. What site are you working for?

Question Title

* 3. Which of the following best describes your primary job title?

Question Title

* 4. What is the average number of unique users that visit your main site each month?

Question Title

* 5. We would like to know about your attitudes towards Search Engine Optimisation.

  1. Critical 5. Not at all important N/A
Please rate how important SEO is to your content strategy.

Question Title

* 6. Do you require users register to participate in the activities on your site?

Question Title

* 7. Do you charge users a cash fee to participate in all or some of your online activities?

Question Title

* 8. If YES, for which of the following does your site ask for cash payments?

Question Title

* 9. If NO, are there active discussions in your organisation about the possibility of charging users a cash fee to participate in all or some of the online activities you offer?

Question Title

* 10. Do you charge users a fee for membership any of the following networks:

Health (e.g. weight loss or fitness clubs)

Question Title

* 11. Do you ask users to donate funds to support your site?

Question Title

* 12. From which of the following Advertising and Sponsorship activities does your Website get revenue? Please tick all that apply.

(Note: Question 9 refers to advertising & sponsorship on dedicated Mobile sites.)

  YES NO N/A (Do not have that feature)
Own sales of display ads inventory on website
Own sales of classified ads inventory on own website
Display ads served on website through advertising network
Classified ads served on website through advertising network (e.g. Fish4)
Website ads served through affiliation with Google
Website ads served through affiliation with MSN
Website ads served through affiliation with Yahoo!
Website ads served through affiliation with other search engine
Sponsorship of website text content
Advertising directly link to online video
Sponsorship directly linked to online video
Advertising in email newsletters
Sponsorship of email newsletters
Advertising in RSS feeds
Sponsorship of RSS feeds

Question Title

* 13. From which of the following sponsorship and advertising sources does your dedicated MOBILE site get revenue? Please tick all that apply.

(If you do not have a dedicated mobile site, please proceed to Question 10)

  YES NO N/A (Do not have that feature)
Own sales of display ads inventory on m-site
Own sales of classified ads inventory on own m-site
Display ads served on m-site through advertising network
Classified ads served on m-site through advertising network (e.g. Fish4)
M-site ads served through affiliation with with search engine.
Sponsorship of m-site text content
Advertising directly linked to mobile site video
Sponsorship directly linked to mobile site video
Advertising in mobile alerts or 'zines (i.e. mobile 'push' content)
Sponsorship of mobile alerts or 'zines (i.e. mobile 'push' content)

Question Title

* 14. Does your site offer any of the following retail opportunities.

Sales of subscriptions to print products (including online payment option)
Sales of other own branded merchandise(e.g. books or calendars produced by your own company)
Sales of own branded services (e.g. holiday tours led by own staff)
Affiliate deals with other online merchants (i.e. virtual mall operated by Shoppersworld or the like)

Question Title

* 15. Do you get income from selling any other information?

Databases of users
Databases of advertisers
Survey data

Question Title

* 16. Do you get income from Syndication of any of the following?

Text stories
Still images
Own blogs / columns
Content produced by others

Question Title

* 17. Could you please tell us about any other sources from which your online activities derive direct revenues?

Question Title

* 18. Could you tell us about your Average Revenue Per User(ARPU) rates based on the latest figures you have?

To calculate your ARPU rate per month, divide the average monthly income from your site by the average number of unique users, e.g. if your site averages 145,000 unique users per month and your average income from your site is £50,000, your ARPU rate will be 50,000 / 145,000 = 34.48 pence per month. Your annual ARPU rate would be 12 X 34.48p = £4.14.

If you are not using Stirling, you can convert your ARPU rate here: http://www.xe.com/ucc/

Question Title

* 19. What percentage of your digital income (Website & Mobile) comes from the following sources? (Total = 100)

Thank you very much for contributing to this study!

Question Title

* 20. The findings from this survey will be discussed at the Digital Editors' Networks' Winter 2010 meetin on February 25th in Preston. If you would like a summary report of the findings, please add your contact details below.

Question Title

* 21. If you have any additional comments about the issues raised in this study, or questions about the Digital Editors' Network, please use the space below to let us know. Thank you.