
Since 2008 Clinks has promoted best practice among volunteer-involving Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations through its Volunteering and Mentoring programme, guided by a steering group consisting of organisations in the Sector. We have produced a set of best practice guides for organisations that involve volunteers, and have published good practice resources and a set of evaluation tools for use by volunteer-involving projects.

Clinks are really keen to develop knowledge of the current key issues affecting volunteering for VCS organisations working with offenders. Our aim is to effectively influence policy relating to volunteering in the Criminal Justice System (CJS) and to support organisations that involve volunteers in their work. By completing this short survey you will ensure that our work adequately reflects the issues raised by you, our members, feeding into policy development and the support we provide to you.

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* 1. What is the name of your organisation?

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* 2. How many volunteers are involved in the work of your organisation?

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* 3. What kind of contribution do volunteers make to your organisation's objectives?

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* 4. Are you experiencing any issues and challenges in your work with volunteers in the Criminal Justice System?

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* 5. Are you currently experiencing any general issues and challenges in your work with volunteers?

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* 6. Are you and your organisation aware of the Clinks Evaluating Volunteer Impact toolkit?

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* 7. If you answered Yes to the previous question, please answer the following:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
The Clinks Evaluating Volunteer toolkit is a useful resource
Using the Evaluating Volunteer Impact Toolkit presents a significant practical challenge
Using the Evaluating Volunteer Impact Toolkit is a high priority for my organisation
Using the Evaluating Volunteer Impact Toolkit is not a priority for my organisation

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* 8. Which of the Clinks Volunteering and Mentoring Guides are you and your organisation aware of?

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* 9. Please say which of the guides you have found most useful and why

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* 10. Are there any topics on which you’d like Clinks to produce similar volunteer guides in the future?

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* 11. If there are any issues or support needs you have raised which you would like Clinks to follow up on, please provide us with your name and contact details below.