users survey Demographics Question Title * 1. What is your gender? Female Male Question Title * 2. What is your age? 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 or older Question Title * 3. Which of the following categories best describes your employment status? Employed full-time (35+ hours a week) Part-time employed (less than 35 hours a week) Student Retired Homemaker Unemployed currently Question Title * 4. What is your approximate average household income? $0-$24,999 $25,000-$49,999 $50,000-$74,999 $75,000-$99,999 $100,000-$124,999 $125,000-$149,999 $150,000-$174,999 $175,000-$199,999 $200,000 and up Question Title * 5. How often have you traveled in the last 12 months both for work and vacation? Not travelled 7 to 14 nights / 1 - 2 weeks 15 to 28 nights / 3 - 4 weeks 29 to 42 nights / 5 - 6 weeks 43 to 56 nights / 7 - 8 weeks 57 to 84 nights / 9 - 12 weeks Over 12 weeks Comments Question Title * 6. Which types of travel are you interested in? (select any that apply) Adventure travel Art, history and culture Business travel Career break travel Cruising Destination specific travel Educational Family travel Festivals Food and wine travel Frequent flyer/ traveller miles and points Luxury travel Over 50s travel Photography Solo travel Spas and relaxation Volunteering travel Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Below are some reasons other people say they read blogs like Tips for Travellers. Which of these best reflect why you read Tips for Travellers? (select any that apply) I am an armchair traveller. I like to read other traveller exploits and travels & about places I may never get to visit. I like to read real life experiences of travellers, not the “sell” that travel providers, agents and tourism boards give. I like to hear the opinions of others about places they visit and stay. I find them to be more unbiased and honest than other sources I am always on the look out for new travel ideas, inspiration and tips I read blogs that mirror the sort of travel I do and am interested in I enjoy the style and way that they write about travel. I find them more up to date than guide books and other sources. I read them when planning a specific trip and looking for detailed information and advice I want to see what other bloggers are doing, get ideas and tips and keep up with trends, as I have a travel blog myself too I want to support and encourage travel bloggers Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. What content do you find most helpful on Tips for Travellers? (select all that apply) Hotel, hostel and guest house reviews Destination reviews and tips Cruise reviews and tips Transport reviews (e.g. different airline classes, trains, cruise ships etc) Money saving tips (e.g. how to get best deals, saving money while traveling, frequent travel miles etc) Attraction reviews (e.g. theme parks, rollercoaster rides, stately homes etc) Museum and art gallery reviews Classic journeys (e.g. transatlantic crossings, orient express journey etc) General travel tips, advice and 'how tos" (e.g. safety in hotels, what to packing etc) Travel resource recommendations or reviews (e.g. 10 best podcasts, best sites, best agents etc) Photo tours of destinations, attractions, places etc Video tours of destinations hotels, attractions etc Audio shows to listen to about destinations, tips etc Specialist and niche perspective on travel Personal anecdotes and stories of places, versus regular tips and advice Behind the scenes insights of hotels, transportation, attractions People met on-the-road Others (please specify) Question Title * 9. Which of these has Tips for Travellers made you do? (select any that apply) Helped reinforce or confirm a decision I had made about a travel plan/s Made me change my mind or a decision I had made about a existing travel plan Inspired me to visit a specific destination, stay in a particular accommodation or travel with a specific company None of the above, just read to entertained and inform me Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. How do you follow or keep up to date with Tips for Travellers? (select any that apply) When I have a specific question on a topic I visit the blog Visit it occasionally when I remember Have it bookmarked When it comes up in search on a topic I am searching for When I see a post or link on social media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook etc) Subscribe via an online reader Subscribe to their email newsletter Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. Of the last 10 posts Tips for Travellers has posted, how many would you say you have read? 100%: Every post (via email newsletter or reader) 75%: Most (around 7 to 9 out of 10 posts) 50%: Half (about half of them) 25%: Some (less than half) 10%: Very few (about 1 in 10) Question Title * 12. Besides the Tips for Travellers blog, which of other Tips for Travellers digital content do you use? Tips for Travellers Audio Podcast Tips for Travellers Video Podcast Tips for Travellers YouTube Videos Travel Legends & Icons Podcast All About Cunard Podcast Tips for Travellers Smartphone App Travel Bloggers Podcast None of the above Next