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11% of survey complete.
Arts focus survey - How are we doing?

Have your say about the work of Shetland Arts.

(please feel free to skip to the questions if you have read this introduction text elsewhere)

In 2007 Shetland Arts piloted a small-scale consultation process called Art Focus. People were invited to focus group meetings to discuss issues for the arts in Shetland. We invited respones to a further survey in 2010 to measure change and now three years on we are keen to capture your views again, good and bad about how we are doing.

Your views are important to us. Although people in previous surveys found lots of positive things to say about our work, some of the responses were challenging and at times very critical; all the responses were valuable to us.

Three main themes emerged – we were asked to: broaden our horizons and take on new ideas; make what we do more accessible; be inclusive and communicate better the opportunities we offer.

During the last three years we have tried to take these comments on board and now we’d like to know how successful we’ve been, and how we can continue to improve the services we offer.

We’d really appreciate it if you could take five minutes to fill in this questionnaire. The results will inform our development plans for the next three years.

The survey contains a series of statements – some of them pretty blunt - with which you are invited to disagree or agree, as well as some questions about our marketing. At every point there is an opportunity for you to add further comment if you so wish. We look forward to hearing what you have to say.