1. Respondent Information

We ask for your help in completing this survey. In order to receive certain Federal grant funds, the Coastal Zone Management Program must prepare an assessment of issues and problems in several coastal resource categories/topics. Your help is needed to provide information for this assessment so that the State can continue to receive funds to better manage our coastal resources. Thank you for your assistance. Coastal Zone Management Program, Office of Planning

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us about yourself:

Question Title

* 2. When you think of the CZM Program, which of the following activities do you think of? Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 3. The CZM Program works in partnership with various Federal, State and County agencies as well as private entities to mitigate coastal hazards. Please indicate whether you are aware of the following studies, building code amendments, and activities by checking the appropriate buttons next to each question.

  Yes No
Has supported the preparation of wind speed studies to reduce damage from hurricanes.
Worked to incorporate wind design standards in building codes to reduce damage from hurricanes.
County and State Building Codes have been amended and adopted to incorporate wind design standards to reduce damage from hurricanes.
In 2006 provided training for individuals to conduct post-earthquake safety evaluation of buildings after an earthquake.
Updated and printed 100,000 copies of "Tsunami: The Great Waves", and supports implementation of plans.
Prepared Ocean Resources Management Plan, and coordinates implementation.
Supports community-based resource management demonstration projects.
Worked towards adoption of storm water ordinance for Hawaii County.
Works to improve water quality through a non point source pollution control program.
Hawaii was one of the first states to institutionalize the concept of public access to county land use permits.

Question Title

* 5. Ocean Resources Management: Please rate the degree of threat or conflicts each issue listed below poses to Harbors/Marinas in the state.

  High Medium Low
Oversaturation/use; exceed carrying capacity of resource and/or geographic portions of it
User conflict, includes commercial, individual and cultural
Inadequate enforcement of regulated activities
Lack of awareness of regulations by residents and visitors

Question Title

* 6. Harbors/Marinas: Please rate the degree of threat or conflicts each issue listed below poses to Harbors/Marinas in the state.

  High Medium Low
Maintenance of small boat harbors/marinas and launching ramps

Question Title

* 7. Aquatic Life: Please rate the degree of threat or conflicts each issue listed below poses to Aquatic Life in the state.

  High Medium Low
Depletion of inshore fish stocks
Depletion of bottom fish stocks
Depletion of exotic species for aquariums
Introduction of alien species
Degradation of coral reefs
Marine mammal protection-Public interference
Marine mammal protection-Submarine sonar testing
Marine debris
Ocean acidification
Ocean energy development

Question Title

* 8. Coral Reef ecosystems: Please rate the degree of threat or conflicts each issue listed below poses to Coral Reef in the state.

  High Medium Low
Degradation from pollution and sediments from land-based runoff
Invasive species importation
Human disturbance, such as harmful fishing gear, marine debris, human trampling
Ocean acidification

Question Title

* 9. Salt ponds: Please rate the degree of threat or conflicts each issue listed below poses to Salt ponds in the state.

  High Medium Low
Pollution from land-based sources
Shoreline/urban development

Question Title

* 10. Fish ponds: Please rate the degree of threat or conflicts each issue listed below poses to Fish ponds in the state.

  High Medium Low
Pollution from land-based sources
Shoreline/urban development

Question Title

* 11. Beaches and Tidal Interface: Please rate the degree of threat or conflicts each issue listed below poses to Beaches and Tidal Interface in the state.

  High Medium Low
Loss of public access
Loss of public ownership
Coastal erosion
Storm surge and flooding
Encroachment by development on shoreline
"Hardening" of shoreline

Question Title

* 12. Wetland and Estuaries: Please rate the degree of threat or conflicts each issue listed below poses to Wetlands and Estuaries in the state.

  High Medium Low
Urban development
Agricultural practices
Polluted runoff from upland areas

Question Title

* 13. Water Quality: Please rate the degree of threat or conflicts each issue listed below poses to Water Quality in the state.

  High Medium Low
Pollution from ocean uses - cruise ship waste: oil spills, recreational uses
Polluted runoff from land-based sources - storm water, sewage outfalls, and emergency discharges

Question Title

* 14. Public Access: Please rate the degree of threat or conflicts each issue listed below poses to Public Access in the state.

  High Medium Low
Private residential development (including conversion of public facilities to private) Perpendicular and lateral shoreline access. (a) In various places around the state private roadway access to shoreline area is being blocked by gates, fences, signs or other barriers;
Private residential development (including conversion of public facilities to private) Perpendicular and lateral shoreline access. (b) Human-induced vegetations that impacts lateral beach access is a statewide problem. There have been community complaints about the vegetative encroachment induced by private property owners at Kahala, Diamond Head and Kailua beaches, Oahu; Ha'ena, Wainiha and Hanalei, Kauai and other areas around the State.
Non-water dependent commercial/industrial uses of the waterfront (existing or conversion) Perpendicular and lateral shoreline access. The special management area (SMA) permit of the statutory law encourages non-water dependent uses of waterfront to locate in inland area. Public involvement to a large extent prevents non-water dependent commercial/industrial uses of the waterfront.
Erosion. Lateral shoreline access. Approximately 2% of Hawaii's shoreline is critically eroding (Coastal Management 27:187-217). Some shoreline areas are experiencing significant beach erosion and shoreline retreat. For example, 70% of Kauai's beaches are eroding while Oahu has lost a quarter of its sandy shoreline.
Sea level rise/Great Lake level change. Lateral shoreline access. The beaches become narrow during the high tides. This phenomenon particularly occurs in hotel areas including Waikiki, Oahu. Scientists haven't yet observed an accelerated rate of sea level rise in Hawaii.
Natural disasters. Lateral shoreline access. The potential of coastal disasters such as tsunami and storm surges is high and therefore beaches could shrink or be lost.
National security. Perpendicular and lateral shoreline access. There have been no major increased impacts from national security on public access since last assessment.
Encroachment on public land. Lateral shoreline access. The biggest encroachment onto public land in Hawaii is human-induced vegetative encroachment on the lands seaward of shoreline.
Other. Perpendicular and lateral shoreline access. Beach access closures or warning due to (1) water quality concerns; (2) high surfs; and (3) appearance of jelly fish or sharks.

Question Title

* 15. Please identify and describe any problems or issues with public access in your community.

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* 16. Check the catergory with best describes your access to the coast for recreation.

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* 17. What are the major threats or problems you see regarding coastal hazards? Please identify specific locations affected and what should be done to address these threats or problems.

Question Title

* 18. What are the major threats or problems that you see regarding cumulative and secondary impacts? Please identify specific locations/areas impacted and tell us what should be done to address these threats or problems?

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* 19. What are the major threats or problems that you see with regards to Hawaii's wetland resources? Identify specific locations/areas impacted and tell us what should be done to address these threats or problems.

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* 20. What are the major threats or problems that you see in planning for Special Area Management? Identify areas/regions affected and tell us what should be done to address those threats or problems.

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* 21. What are the major threats or problems that you see regarding to marine debris? Please identify specific locations affected and tell us what should be done to address these threats or problems.

Question Title

* 22. How important is it for Hawaii to address climate change adaptation?

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* 23. What are the major threats or problems that you see ragarding Hawaii's aquaculture resources? Please tell us what should be done to address these threats or problems.

Question Title

* 24. What are the major threats or problems do you see regarding energy generation and government facility siting? Please tell us what should be done to address these threats or problems.

Thank you for taking the time to share your impressions and recommendations with us. Section 309 Survey Results will be available from September 30, 2010, under “Whats New”, at the end of the page - http://hawaii.gov/dbedt/czm/