The Bribery Act, the UK’s tough new anti-corruption legislation, comes into effect from 1 July 2011 and could potentially affect any entity that does business in the UK. The Quoted Companies Alliance is surveying companies to find out what they know about the Act and recently released guidance and what they plan to do about it. This will help us find out what more we can do to help companies with the new legislation.

Please take a few minutes to fill in the quick survey. We really appreciate your time.

Please note that any results will be anonymous.

Question Title

1. How ready is your business for the Bribery Act?

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2. What impact do you expect the Bribery Act to have on your ability to do business?

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3. Do you think the Ministry of Justice's guidance is sufficient and helpful?

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4. Have you taken any professional advice on the implications for your business of the Bribery Act?

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5. Please rate how concerned your business is with the following issues in relation to the Bribery Act

  Not concerned A little concerned Concerned Very Concerned
Facilitation payments
Political and charitable donations
Corporate hospitality, gifts and expenses
Supply chain management
Business relationships (e.g. agents or joint ventures)
Social programmes
25% of survey complete.