’Protect the Selkirk’ is a campaign to ensure the longevity and safety of a local favourite: The Selkirk Pub. As many of you will know from our ‘Save The Wheatsheaf’ campaign, local pubs are frequently threatened by the owners of the buildings who are tempted to sell them in order to make residences. This gives them a large and quick profit. The Selkirk has not yet been threatened in such a manner, but none the less we want to get ‘Asset of Community Value’ status for it which would protect it from any such sale or change of use. For that we need your help. Please sign our petition to protect the Selkirk, and keep this vibrant local institution open for years to come.

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* 1. Before you start please tell us a bit about you:

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* 2. Do you support the nomination of the Selkirk as an Asset of Community Value? (Registration as an ACV would prevent the sale of the freehold or a lease to another party without the community's knowledge. In the event of a proposed sale, an ACV would also trigger a 6-month moratorium to give the community time to make its own bid. Visit www.camra.org.uk/listyourlocal for more information.)

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* 3. What aspects of the Selkirk do you value most, and how do you use it? Please tick all that apply:

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* 4. Do you have any comments you'd like to make?

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* 5. We send out regular eBulletins updating residents on local issues and activities. If you'd like to be kept up to date with what's going on locally, and get feedback from this petition, please provide an email address below.

DATA PROTECTION: The data you provide will be retained by the Conservative Party, and Wandsworth Conservatives (“the data holders”) in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 and related legislation. By providing your data to us, you are consenting to the data holders making contact with you in the future by telephone, text or other means, even though you may be registered with the Telephone Preference Service. Your data will not be sold or given to anyone not connected to the Conservative Party.