Thank you for taking the time to complete this brief survey. It is our objective to serve the needs of the public in a professional,courteous and expedient manner. Your input is a valuable tool describing how well we do our job or where we might make improvements. We welcome and would appreciate your comments or suggestions.

Question Title

* 1. How did you contact the Okaloosa County Tax Collector's Office?

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* 2. On what date did you conduct business with our office?


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* 3. What was the name of the Agent who assisted you? (Type "N/A" if transaction did not involve an Agent)

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* 4. What type of transaction(s) did you process?

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* 5. Please rate your overall impression of the Agent who assisted you. 

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* 6. Please rate your overall impression of this Office and/or your transaction:

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* 7. Do you have any comments about the service you received and/or suggestions on how we might better serve your needs?

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* 8. Although your contact information is optional, please tell us where you are located so we can better understand the demographics of those we serve: