Question Title

* Influences of Meditation on Social Decision-Making

You have been invited to participate in this research study because you participated in a study that took place in Scripps College in the spring of 2008 titled “Influences of Meditation on Social Decision-Making.” The researchers in this study have decided to gather follow-up information on study participants using a brief online survey. The primary aim of this project is to understand the influences of meditation on social decision-making and determine if there are lasting effects of this meditation practice.

You retain the right to stop your participation in this study at any time. Clicking the continue button means that you have understood and have agreed to the procedures described here. However, proceeding with the survey does not take away your right to refuse to participate at any time. If the questions cause you discomfort in any way such that you wish not to answer or wish to stop participation in the entire study, you need only to stop taking the survey.

What will be done
If you wish to continue you will be presented with a survey. The survey should take approximately 20 minutes. If you decide to complete the survey, you will be asked a series of questions that were included in the original study regarding general attitudes and opinions you hold. In addition, you will be asked questions regarding your possible continuation of meditative practice.

Possible Benefits and Compensation
You may benefit from answering questions in the survey by gaining greater self-awareness. This research may help to extend our understanding of how meditation influences social decision-making. You are not expected to benefit directly in any other way except for compensation from participation in this research study. Participants who complete the survey will have the option to receive a $10 Starbucks gift card via email. At the end of the survey, you may provide an e-mail address to which we can e-mail the gift card.

Possible Risks and Discomforts
You have been informed that the possible risks and discomforts of this study are as follows:
1. Physical Discomfort: You will be looking at a computer screen for twenty-minutes or more.
2. Boredom: You will be asked to answer questions about yourself which may being boring or tedious.

Confidentiality of Records
Any information from this study in which you might be identified will be confidential and disclosed only with your permission. By clicking continue, however, you allow the study investigators to make your records available to the Claremont Graduate University (CGU) Institutional Review Board Office and Regulatory Agencies as required by law. If information generated by this study is published, you will never be identified by name. We will take every reasonable step to ensure that no unauthorized person will have access to the data generated by this study. Paperwork for this research will be kept locked and digital data will be password protected.

Voluntary Participation with Right of Refusal
You have been informed that your participation in this research study is voluntary. You are free to withdraw your consent for participation in any part of this study without any penalty.

IRB Review and Impartial Third Party
The CGU Institutional Review Board, administered through the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) has approved this project. You may contact ORSP at (909) 607-9406 with any questions.

Offer to Answer Questions and Research Injury Notification
The principal investigator or his research associates have offered to answer any and all questions regarding your participation in this research study. If you have any further questions or in the event of a research related injury, you can contact the principal investigator, Dr. Michael Spezio, PhD, at (909) 607-0914. You may also contact Dr. Paul J. Zak, PhD, office: Department of Economics, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont,