1. Default Section

100% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the least important to you & 5 being the most important to you, which aspects of Library DrupalCamp are most important to you?

  1 - Least important 2 - Not very important 3 - Somewhat important 4 - Very important 5 - Most important N/A
Wifi at the meeting space
Meeting location convenient to the metro
Event is free
Networking with other librarians who use / will use Drupal
Learning Drupal how-to information
Learning what is possible with Drupal

Question Title

* 2. Are there certain topics you would like to see covered?

Question Title

* 3. Would you like to be a speaker? If so, describe your presentation & how long you estimate it would take to present (We will probably limit presentations to 30 minutes or less).

Question Title

* 4. Do you plan to eat at a nearby restaurant or bring a lunch?

Question Title

* 5. Is there anything else you'd like to add?