Please be advised that our Court does not accept the filing of new cases via e-mail or website posting.  If you feel you have been legally wronged or injured in a way the Court can address, please file a formal complaint with the Court.  A copy of the Court's General Civil Case Filings Requirements can be found on our website under General Information.  Formal complaints filed by pro se (by individuals on their own behalf without the aid of an attorney), must be conventionally filed in paper format at one of our Clerk's Offices locations and must be accompanied by appropriate filing fees.

If you are trying to contact the Jury Department - please call (305) 523-5190.

Question Title

* 1. Which best describes you?

Question Title

* 2. How often do you visit our website?

Question Title

* 3. Briefly, what were you trying to find or accomplish on the website? (Please do not include personally identifiable information here.) NOTE: If you are trying to contact the Jury Department - please call (305) 523-5190.

Question Title

* 4. Were you successful?

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the following:

  Easy Average Difficult Impossible
Completing my task was?

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the following:

  1 - Unsatisfied 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Fully Satisfied
How satisfied were you with your overall experience of this website?

Question Title

* 7. Please provide us with feedback on our website. NOTE: If you are trying to contact the Jury Department - please call (305) 523-5190.

Question Title

* 8. If you wish to have someone contact you in reference to your submission, please provide your name and either a contact phone number or email. NOTE: If you are trying to contact the Jury Department - please call (305) 523-5190. Thank you.