Help make the Greeley Stampede better by answering 20 quick questions Tell us about yourself... Question Title * 1. Where do you live? Greeley/Evans area 1-15 miles outside of the Greeley/Evans area 16-30 miles outside of the Greeley/Evans area 31-45 miles outside of the Greeley/Evans area 45+ miles outside of the Greeley/Evans area In another state In another country Question Title * 2. What is your gender? Female Male Prefer not to answer Question Title * 3. What is your age? 18-24 years old 25-34 years old 35-44 years old 45-54 years old 55-64 years old 65-74 years old 75 years or older Question Title * 4. What is your marital status? Single, never married Married or domestic partnership Divorced or Separated Widowed Question Title * 5. What is your household income? $1 – $49,999 $50,000 – $74,999 $75,000 – $99,999 $100,000 – $199,999 $200,000 – $499,999 $500,000+ Question Title * 6. Ethnicity origin (or Race): Please specify your ethnicity White Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Native American or American Indian Asian / Pacific Islander Other Question Title * 7. What is the highest level of education you have completed? Grammar School High school or equivalent Vocational/technical school (2 year) Some college credit, no degree Associate degree Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree Professional degree Doctorate degree Question Title * 8. How many children under 18 years old live in your household? None 1 2 3 4 or more Next