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* 1. What is your favorite place in Elmwood Park or the best thing about it? Why?

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* 2. What would you most recommend changing and why?

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* 3. What in the park should be preserved?

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* 4. What is missing from the park today?

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* 5. In your travels to other parks, local and far, what is your favorite park or park feature? Why?

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* 6. How often have you visited Elmwood Park in the last year?

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* 7. What did you do in the park?

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* 8. Do you have any other comments or ideas for Elmwood Park?

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* 9. OPTIONAL: What is the zip code where you live?

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* 10. OPTIONAL: Would you like to receive updates about this plan? If so, please leave your email address.

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* 11. What is your least favorite place in Elmwood Park? Why?