A Person-Centered, Social Justice Framework for Understanding & Preventing Burnout Question Title * 1. Date of Training Date Date OK Question Title * 2. Do you know more on this topic than when you started the training? Yes No OK Question Title * 3. This workshop will be useful to me in my recovery. Yes No N/A OK Question Title * 4. This workshop will be useful to me in my work. Yes No N/A OK Question Title * 5. Please rate the trainer(s) on the following: 5 4 3 2 1 Knowledge of the subject matter. Knowledge of the subject matter. 5 Knowledge of the subject matter. 4 Knowledge of the subject matter. 3 Knowledge of the subject matter. 2 Knowledge of the subject matter. 1 Ability to explain and illustrate concepts. Ability to explain and illustrate concepts. 5 Ability to explain and illustrate concepts. 4 Ability to explain and illustrate concepts. 3 Ability to explain and illustrate concepts. 2 Ability to explain and illustrate concepts. 1 Ability to answer questions completely. Ability to answer questions completely. 5 Ability to answer questions completely. 4 Ability to answer questions completely. 3 Ability to answer questions completely. 2 Ability to answer questions completely. 1 OK Question Title * 6. What specifically did the trainer(s) do well? OK Question Title * 7. What recommendations do you have for the trainer(s) to improve? OK Question Title * 8. Please rate the content and structure of the training: 5 4 3 2 1 The usefulness of the information received in training. The usefulness of the information received in training. 5 The usefulness of the information received in training. 4 The usefulness of the information received in training. 3 The usefulness of the information received in training. 2 The usefulness of the information received in training. 1 The structure of the training session(s). The structure of the training session(s). 5 The structure of the training session(s). 4 The structure of the training session(s). 3 The structure of the training session(s). 2 The structure of the training session(s). 1 The pace of the training session(s). The pace of the training session(s). 5 The pace of the training session(s). 4 The pace of the training session(s). 3 The pace of the training session(s). 2 The pace of the training session(s). 1 OK Question Title * 9. What did you most like about the training? OK Question Title * 10. What can be improved with regard to the structure, format, and/or materials? OK Question Title * 11. Additional comments: OK DONE