
Question Title

* 1. Name of educator

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* 2. Name and contact information of person completing this nomination and relationship to educator.

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* 3. Does the educator work in a state-regulated program? If yes, please let us know which one, and how long person has been there.

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* 4. Is the educator knowledgeable about early childhood development? Give an example of how s/he demonstrates this.

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* 5. Does the educator create a safe, loving, creative, stimulating environment for young children? How so?

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* 6. Does the educator nurture each individual child’s growth? Give an example of how s/he demonstrates this.

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* 7. Does the educator develop her/his relationships with parents as partners in supporting the healthy development of children? How?

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* 8. Do you feel the educator demonstrates commitment to and/or leadership in the field of early childhood education? Please explain how.

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* 9. How did you hear about this opportunity?

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* 10. Please provide any additional comments below. The recipient will be decided upon this summer and announced in early fall. Thank you