1. Cabot Wealth Advisory Survey

In a continuing effort to better serve loyal subscribers to Cabot Wealth Advisory, we occasionally ask readers to provide us with information concerning their goals and preferences for investment advice. Please take a few minutes to answer our questions. After you complete the survey, you will be able to download your free report “Cash in on Healthcare Reform: Top 8 Medical Stocks to Profit from in 2010.” (All information will be held confidential.)

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* 1. Your Age:

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* 2. Male or Female?

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* 3. How would you describe your investing experience?

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* 4. How long have you subscribed to Cabot Wealth Advisory?

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* 5. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the quality of Cabot Wealth Advisory.

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* 6. Why do you subscribe to the Cabot Wealth Advisory? (check all that apply)

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* 7. Which of the following are you currently interested in? (check all that apply):

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* 8. What subject or topic would you like to see covered in future Cabot Wealth Advisories?

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* 9. Do you find Cabot Wealth Advisory emails easy to read?

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* 10. Where do you receive Cabot Wealth Advisory?

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* 11. If you were recommending Cabot Wealth Advisory to a friend, what would you say?

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* 12. How can we improve Cabot Wealth Advisory?

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* 13. Do you visit Cabot's Web site at www.cabot.net?

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* 14. If you visit the Cabot Web site, which sections do you typically visit?

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* 15. What is your overall satisfaction with the quality of the Cabot Web site?

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* 16. Have you gone to Cabot’s blog at www.iconoclast-investor.com?

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* 17. Are you following anyone from Cabot on Twitter?

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* 18. Which of the following do you regularly use? (check all that apply)

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* 19. Do you subscribe to any of Cabot's other publications? If so, which ones?

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* 20. Have you ever sent an email to one of the Cabot editors?

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* 21. Below is a space for you to write down any other comments or criticisms.