On behalf of Co-operatives UK's worker co-operative council, we have been asked to explore different approaches to supporting our members in relation to improving: soft/inter-personal or you could say "co-operative skills". Such as: communication, decision-making, meeting together, dealing with conflict, group dynamics and so on.

We would like to find out what members needs are and how best to meet them. By filling in this survey you will help us find the evidence to propose better ways of delivering support and training to our members.

Question Title

* 1. What training, if any, do you think you personally would benefit from most?
Please indicate on a scale 1-5 which you think are most important (please don't just put 5 for all!)

  1 - Least 2 3 4 5 - Most
Active listening
Team dynamics
Cooperative decision-making
Meeting facilitation
Inclusion and diversity
Mediation and conflict resolution
Supporting organisational change

Question Title

* 2. The same question again, but this time - What training would others in your co-op benefit from most'?

  1 - Least 2 3 4 5 - Most
Active listening
Team dynamics
Cooperative decision-making
Meeting facilitation
Inclusion and diversity
Mediation and conflict resolution
Supporting organisational change

Question Title

* 3. How do you like to learn?
We don't want to assume formal face-to face training is the only way forward – What would be your preferred approaches to developing your skills?

  1 - Least 2 3 4 5 - Most
One day, one-off workshops
2/3 day training courses or a programme of connected 1 day sessions
Live & interactive on-line e-learning (sometimes called webinars)
On-line pre-recorded video presentations (can be watched in your own time)
Mentoring (an experienced worker co-op person mentor/coach you)
Educational visits to another co-op or secondment opportunities
Peer learning networks/circles (meet on-line or in person with others with similar needs)

Question Title

* 4. Roughly how much would you be willing to pay per session for your preferred learning approaches.
This just needs to be a rough estimate, be realistic as any approach would need financing.

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* 5. Do you have any comments on the above question or in general

Question Title

* 6. If you feel you could contribute in some way to support others, such as becoming a mentor or sharing your expertise on a pre-recorded video presentation, please let us know:

Question Title

* 7. Please, complete your details below (optional)