
Question Title

1. For the following categories of cloud computing, please indicate in which stage of adoption or plans for adoption your organization is at for each category.

  Have no plans to use Using in Production Using for Dev and Testing Only Plan to use within: 3 months Plan to use within: 3-6 months Plan to use within: 6-12 months Plan to use within: More than 12 months Plan to use within: Not sure
Private/Internal Cloud
Storage-as-a-Service Only

Question Title

2. What did or does your organization view as the most important benefits of cloud computing? Of the factors and drivers below, please rank as many as five that apply from 1 to 5, with 1 being the most important and 5 being the least important.

  1 2 3 4 5
Cost savings on hardware
Cost savings on software
Cost savings on IT operations staff
Ability to rapidly launch new products and services
Ability to grow and shrink IT capacity on demand
Convenience for the development teams
No upfront investment
Pricing flexibility
Better collaboration across teams
Outsourcing of non-core competencies

Question Title

3. What were or are the greatest barriers for adoption of cloud computing in your organization? Please rank the five most important factors or concerns below from 1 to 5, with 1 being the most important and 5 being the least important.

  1 2 3 4 5
Cloud Provider Lock-In
Geographic Location of Cloud Provider Data Centers
Lack of Ability to Customize
Integration with Existing Systems
Costs and ROI
Lack of Management Understanding / Willing to Innovate
Organizational Politics
Not sure
We did not have any concerns

Question Title

4. For which types of applications do you use or plan to deploy into a cloud within the next 12 months. Please check all that apply:

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5. Do you consider any of the applications for which you are using cloud computing to be mission critical applications for your business?

We are interested in understanding the process by which organizations adopt cloud computing. For the next three questions, please consider the following statement: If your organization is already using or planning to use cloud computing, how did the process unfold?

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6. The initial adoption of cloud computing in our organization was done by:

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7. What is the current state of adoption (or plans for adoption within 12 months) in your organization:

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8. Currently, who in your organization has the key decision make when it comes to the adoption and use of cloud computing. Please rank by order of importance all that apply:

  1 (Most Important) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (Least Important)
Other Business Executive
VP Engineering/R&D
Chief Architect
IT Operations Execs
IT Ops Rank & File
Not sure

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10. How many employees work at your organization?

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11. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the adoption or use of cloud computing in your organization?

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12. If you'd like to receive a copy of the results of this survey, please put your email address into the field below.