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Dear Community Partner:
As a participant in this survey, your input is important to us. Since our inception in 1978, Center for Family Development, Inc. (CFDI) has consistently sought and valued input from the community, consumers, funders, Board, staff, and other public and private partners. Your responses will help us to shape our strategic direction for the next 3-5 years.
We ask you to please take a few minutes to respond to this survey. We thank you, in advance, for caring enough to share your responses with us.

Question Title

* 1. Please select the statement that best describes your relationship to CFDI.

Question Title

* 2. Please identify the statement below that best indicates your knowledge and regularity of interaction with CFDI.

Question Title

* 3. How do you rate the overall quality of Center for Family Development, Inc.'s services?

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown
CFDI's overall rating

Question Title

* 4. Based on your relationship with CFDI, what do you see as its strengths and weaknesses?

  Strength Weakness Unknown
Accessibility to services
Advocate for needs of persons served
Cultural competence in servicing consumers
Has a consistent positive presence in the community
Focus on family preservation
Focus on substance abuse treatment and prevention
Focus on positive youth development services/activities
Focus on juvenile justice services
Public Relations
Range of services provided
Responsiveness to requests from consumers
Responsiveness to requests from funding sources
Quality of services provided
Competent and qualified staff
Focus on Early Childhood
Focus on Boys and Young Men of Color
Focus on mental health in the community
Building neighborhood capacity by partnering with residents, block clubs, and Neighborhood Police Officers
Using restorative approaches with families and in the community