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* 1. Have you attended an A.R.E. Review Seminar hosted by the AIA Central Oklahoma Chapter Office in the past?

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* 2. If not, why have you chosen not to participate in this member benefit? What would encourage you to attend in the future?

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* 3. If yes to #1, was the seminar (or seminars) beneficial? What could we do to make them even more helpful to you in your preparation for the exam?

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* 4. Please tell us what format you think is most beneficial when it comes to the A.R.E. Seminars? (You may select more than one answer)

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* 5. Would you be willing to pay a small fee for the A.R.E. Prep Seminars / Study Sessions?

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* 6. If you had to choose four sections of the exam that you feel you need the most help preparing for, what would they be? Please select only four.

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* 7. When would you like to see the seminars take place?

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* 8. Do you have any additonal thoughts or comments you would like to share with AIA Central Oklahoma regarding the A.R.E. Study Seminars?

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* 9. Off the A.R.E. topic.... Do you have any thoughts or comments about what AIA Central Oklahoma could be doing to better serve the Associate (Intern Architect) membership?

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* 10. Are you willing to help our Associate Director, Betty Lee, Associate, AIA, with the preparation of the A.R.E. Seminars and / or other Associate Activities in 2010? If so, please list your name, firm, and email below. Or you can contact Betty directly at betty.lee@benham.com.