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* 1. Ultimately, what convinced you that the Audience Business Masterclass was right for you?

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* 2. What specific content modules are you MOST looking forward to?

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* 3. If I could design one lesson or content module JUST for you, what would it be called, and what information would it include? (optional - but we'd really appreciate if you could answer this one)

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* 4. If the Audience Business Masterclass could produce one specific and tangible outcome for you, what would it be? (ditto - this is optional, but an answer would really help us out)

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* 5. What other Firepole Marketing products have you purchased?

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* 6. Which ones helped you out the most (and why)? Which ones helped you out the least (and why)? (optional)

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* 7. What is your biggest business-related problem or frustration right now? (optional)