1. 2011 Advocacy Partners Survey

As we move into Head Start funding this fall, and ECEAP this winter, we would like to do a better job of identifying people who can speak about our programs from specific perspectives. You folks have developed relationships in your communities and know your graduates, parents, teachers, and business folks in your area, and we need your help.

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* 1. Info about you so we can follow up on your suggestions:

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* 2. Head Start/ECEAP Alumni - We are looking for Head Start/ECEAP alumni who have a good success story to tell, or that we can highlight in various ways. Alumni can be adults, or if there are older children or teens who fit this description that would be great too.

Please share names and contact info for any alumni who may be willing, or if you have folks in mind but want to do the contacting yourself or get more info from us, please note that and Katy or Joel will follow up with you.

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* 3. Community & Business Leaders - One of our Strategic Plan objectives is to put together a good list of community and business leaders who support early learning/HS/ECEAP. You may have board members, friends of your program, etc who would be willing to have their names listed as a supporter of HS/ECEAP, or would be willing to speak on our behalf.

Please share names and contact info for any community/business leaders who may be willing, or if you have folks in mind but want to do the contacting yourself or get more info from us, please note that and Katy or Joel will follow up with you.

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* 4. K-12 Teachers - As we all know, the most powerful argument made against Head Start in particular is the "Fade-Out Effect". We often hear of Kindergarten teachers who say that they can see the difference between their HS/ECEAP kids and kids who didn't have the benefit of our programs. Now, though, we're looking for teachers in higher grades who could say something similar - that they can tell which children have had quality early learning experiences like HS/ECEAP.

Please share names and contact info for any local teachers who may be willing, or if you have folks in mind but want to do the contacting yourself or get more info from us, please note that and Katy or Joel will follow up with you.

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* 5. Head Start/ECEAP Parents - We are always looking for great parent advocates! We have lots of current ones, but it would also be great to have some parents who went through the program a few years ago, and have good success stories to tell about themselves and their children

Please share names and contact info for any parents who may be willing, or if you have folks in mind but want to do the contacting yourself or get more info from us, please note that and Katy or Joel will follow up with you.

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* 6. Communication with Members: Right now we all emails to Directors and you determine what to forward on to other people in your agency. Our board has suggested that programs provide a liaison within their program so that WSA communicates better with staff and parents. They would not be getting as many emails as we send you, of course! Most of our communication falls into the categories below (Professional Dev., Legislative Updates, Advocacy, and Other)

If you would like to designate liaisons from your program, please enter them below. If you would like to continue to be the conduit for all WSA info, leave it blank.

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* 7. Would you be willing to host a site visit for a state legislator or member of congress?

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* 8. The National Head Start Assn is encouraging programs to do a back-to-school event. Here's their description, with more to info follow:

"The second step will be enhancing and lifting up something over which you already make a big deal - the first days of the school year. First Day will be a national celebration of the return of our children to their Head Start classrooms. We have invited President Obama, Mrs. Obama, Vice-President Biden, Dr. Jill Biden, and the Secretaries of HHS and Education to participate. We hope you also will invite your Members of Congress, their district staff, as well as your community supporters, allies, friends, and the press to learn more about this great national commitment to opportunity for all children. We will provide detailed information about what the day might look like for your program and some helpful planning tips later this week."

Are you interested in doing a "First Day" Event at any of your centers?

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* 9. Any other comments?

Thanks so much for your help.

If you have additional ideas or suggestions, send an email to Joel or Katy, joel@wsaheadstarteceap.com, katy@wsaheadstarteceap.com.