1. USArray overview
2. The Array Network Facility
3. A Technical Overview of Seismic Data
4. Data Access at the IRIS/EarthScope DMC
5. Introduction to SAC (Seismic Analysis Code)
6. Instrument Responses
7. SOD (Standing Order for Data)
8. Using MATLAB to Process and Analyze Seismograms
9. Data Processing Philosophies
10. Introductory Unix Shell Scripting
11. Programming Tips/Commenting
12. Programming Resources for Seismologists
13. DUDE - Discovery Using Duct-tape Excessively
14. Databases and SQL
15. Data Processing & Analysis: Colorado Plateau Case Study
16. Introduction Data Management & Analysis with EMERALD
17. An Introduction to Antelope
18. Wavefield Visualizations
19. Splitlab
20. Funclab
21. MathWorks Representative
22. Using the Generic Mapping Tools Effectively (GMT)
23. An Introduction to Parallel Processing
24. An Introduction to Reflection-Based Processing
25. Data Processing & Analysis: High Lava Plains Case Study
26. Visualization
28. EarthVision
29. Introduction to Professional Development Environments (XCode)
30. Creating a Simple GUI-Based OS-X Application with XCode
31. Data Processing & Analysis: Tremor Case Study
32. Processing "Continuous" Data Streams
33. Tremor Related Processing and Analysis
34. Student Presentations