Exit this survey CS Methods 2010 Evaluation 1. Default Section Question Title * 1. Were the school visits worthwhile? Absolutely Pretty much Kind of Not really Comments Question Title * 2. Please comment on the assignments regarding the amount of work, difficulty and usefulness. Question Title * 3. If you could, what would you change about the assignments? Question Title * 4. Rate your instructor in the following areas: (far left is poor, far right is great) Poor Adequate Usually good Superior Organization Organization Poor Organization Adequate Organization Usually good Organization Superior Marking Marking Poor Marking Adequate Marking Usually good Marking Superior Classroom style Classroom style Poor Classroom style Adequate Classroom style Usually good Classroom style Superior Choice of Class topics Choice of Class topics Poor Choice of Class topics Adequate Choice of Class topics Usually good Choice of Class topics Superior Communication with individuals Communication with individuals Poor Communication with individuals Adequate Communication with individuals Usually good Communication with individuals Superior Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Any comments for the instructor? Done