This survey should take no more than a few minutes. There are 8 short questions.
The genetic condition resulting in the beta thalassemia trait (particularly thalassemia minor) is often thought to be relatively asymptomatic. However, a quick internet search will reveal dozens of people with the same symptoms whose only shared background appears to be their thalassemia condition. This survey hopes to establish whether or not there is a link between these symptoms and the trait.
This is an ANONYMOUS survey, no personally identifying information will be collected.
If you do NOT have thalassemia minor YOU CAN STILL TAKE THE SURVEY. Your answers will help to provide a control for the research.
Please answer each question to the best of your ability. If you have any extra information (current medical conditions/risk factors, other information) that you think are relevant, please mention them when prompted at the end (question 8).
If you would like to help me collect data, please ask your friends to take the survey as well.
Any questions or comments, please contact
Thank you!