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The Art Fund is an independent art charity committed to saving art for everyone to enjoy. Following a debate at the Royal United Services Institute entitled 'Commemorating our Armed Forces: Remembrance in a modern society', it is carrying out research to learn more about what those with a connection to the Armed Forces think about the idea of official stamps commemorating those killed in service to their country.

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* 1. Which of these statements best describes you?

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* 2. Do you think it would be fitting to find new ways to commemorate UK servicemen and women who have given their lives in recent conflicts?

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* 3. Do you think issuing stamps bearing the image of those servicemen and women who have died in recent conflicts is a good idea?

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* 4. The official war artist for Iraq, Steve McQueen, was commissioned to produce a work of art about the British Armed Forces in the Iraq conflict. Following his visit to Iraq he proposed that portraits of those who have lost their lives during the conflict be issued as stamps by Royal Mail. The images have been chosen by the families of the deceased.

Do you think this is an appropriate way to commemorate those servicemen and women killed in Iraq?

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* 5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

A set of stamps featuring the images of colleagues who have been killed in Iraq would be an intimate yet distinguished way of highlighting the sacrifice they have made?

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* 6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

I would be proud to buy a stamp bearing an image of one of the UK servicemen and women who gave their lives in a recent conflict.

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* 7. Do you have any other comments?