The Zone User Survey January 2015 |
The Zone Committee are keen to understand what you would like from The Zone and have produced this survey. We would be very grateful if you could take some time to answer the questions. Up until now The Zone sessions have been run by a few volunteers who put an incredible number of hours of their time in each week, The Zone cannot continue to run like this. We have some new committee members who will start to take on The Zone sessions, but we need more volunteers in order to provide the same sessions that are currently on offer. In addition, sessions have been very poorly attended recently so we want to understand why people are not attending and what service we need to provide for you (not forgetting that The Zone is completely run by volunteers, so there are limits) Ideally we would like to continue to offer After School Zone once a week and Coffee Zone, Saturday Zone and Teen Zone once a month, with additional Zone-Outs at other times. At all of our sessions/events, parents must be responsible for their children and supervise them at all times - there will be no change to this policy as it is a condition of our insurance. Thank you for your time.