The Diocese of York celebrated 2011 as the Year of the Environment. We're trying to find out how people and churches engaged with this initiative - please could you spare a few minutes to answer these questions?

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* 1. The Diocese sent a bird nesting box to every church and church school - did you put up your bird box? If so, where was it erected? Have you seen any birds nesting in it?

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* 2. Did you use the Study Course “Give us this Day Your Daily Bread”? If so, did you or anyone else in your group change anything in your lives to help our environment as a result? What did you think about the Study Course?

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* 3. Did your church or deanery hold any services or events with an environmental theme in 2011? This could include Harvest Sunday, Rogationtide etc. If so, what were they?

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* 4. Did you come to the Big Environment Celebration in York Minster? If so, what did you think of it?

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* 5. Did you see the “God’s Creation” art exhibition which toured to Diocese? If so, what did you think of it?

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* 6. Have you made any changes in your life to help our environment as a result of the Year of the Environment?

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* 7. Has your church made any changes to help our environment as a result of the Year of the Environment? Has your church completed any other environmental initiatives to date? Have you any plans for further initiatives?

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* 8. Do you think it’s important for Christians to care for their environment? If so, why?

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* 9. Is there anything else the Diocese could do to help your or your church be more environmentally friendly?

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* 10. What church do you go to?