1. Marketing Health Check

Thank you for choosing to take our Marketing Healthcheck, it will take you only a few minutes to complete and you will receive an email with your results within 24 hours.

Please respond to the following 20 statements by simply entering your agreement level from 1 to 5

1 = Completely Disagree and 5 = Totally Agree

Question Title

* 1. The business has a clearly defined marketing strategy

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* 2. Our marketing strategy is being followed at all times

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* 3. We have the relevant systems and procedures in place to support the marketing strategy

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* 4. All the marketing materials required are in place/readily available

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* 5. We constantly measure the effectiveness of the marketing strategy currently in place

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* 6. Lead generation rate from each individual marketing activity is measured regularly

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* 7. Conversion rate for each individual marketing activity is measured regularly

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* 8. The ‘return on investment’ is for each individual marketing activity is measured regularly

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* 9. We understand what the ‘lifetime value’ of a client is

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* 10. There is a clearly defined marketing function in the company