2012 Art Fair Community Awards

The time has come to recognize the people who generously give themselves to the support of ArtFairInsiders.com. Their unstinting contributions in sharing news, stories, technical information and tales of joy and woe are a continuing gift to all of us in the business.

Here are the nominees:

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* 1. Member of the year. Who is the most generous and helpful spirit that contributes the most to the community

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* 2. Most helpful. Who has the best answers for the questions you need answered?

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* 3. Personality of the year. Who intrigues you so that you always want to read their posts and makes you turn on your computer in the morning?

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* 4. Author of the year. Who can be counted on to write the best blog post and reviews?

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* 5. Funniest member - whose writing do you read because you know it will be funny?

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* 6. Newcomer of the year. Which newcomer to the community has made the biggest impact this year?

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* 7. Special recognition. For the members who made unique contributions to the community.

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* 8. Best Blog or Discussion
rank each submission (row) by clicking the option button that corresponds to the rank: i.e., to rank the January blog post first, click the left-most button; to rank it last, click the right-most button, and rank each submission (row) the same way...

Jan. - "Channeling my Inner Tim Tebow", Geoff Coe
Feb. - "The No-Holds Barred Coconut Grove Art Festival Review", Barry Bernstein
Mar. - "Let's Fix our Industry", Ray Mosteller
Apr. - "Thank you I have a Job", Christine Mount Kapp
May - "Cherokee Triangle in Louisville, Creation & Destruction," Thomas Harris
June - "Art Birmingham, a Slow Start & a Slow Finish," Jim Parker
July - "Don't Just Survive, Thrive," Marti McGinnis
Aug. - "Tequila Report: How to Eat, Drink & Luxuriate in a Hospital", Nels Johnson
Sept. - "Nightmare on Walnut Street", Warren Townsend
Oct. - "Wake Up", Warren Townsend
Nov. - "Photos and the Jury Process", Don Mabry
Dec. - "Jury Fees, What's it For?", RC Fulwiler

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* 9. Best Discussion

"Complaining about Promoters", Carrie Jacobson
"The Rejection Season Starts," Jim Parker
"Competitors in my Booth", Kim Smith
"How I Research Shows", Richard Sherer
"Minnesota Art Shows: Beware...", Robin Aronson
"What's the Worst Question You've Been Asked at an Art Fair?", Jim & Linda Dalton
"Who We Were", Lois Anderson