THIS POLL IS NOW CLOSED. THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING. Thank you for participating in the public voting for the 2012 Wine Blog Awards. The voting period will run July 18 - 26. Please carefully read the criteria and vote for one winner for each award category. If you are not familiar with each finalist, we suggest you spend the time to review the blogs so you can make an informed decision. Your vote is important!

Question Title

* 1. Best Original Photography or Video on a Wine Blog

Criteria: 1) Should present a compelling visual experience for readers using original graphics, photography, or works of art, both throughout the site format and in individual posts. 2) Should demonstrate the potential of the blogging format to convey ideas or subject matter through images. 3) Should have made an extra effort to present its subject matter in a highly visual and graphic manner that is both entertaining, educational, and thought provoking.

Question Title

* 2. Best Industry/Business Wine Blog

Criteria: 1) Should have a substantial portion of the blog devoted to exploring the business of wine and the wine industry. 2) Should offer insightful analysis and reporting on the business of wine. 3) Should have used a substantial portion of posts to deliver independent and original analysis of the financial, marketing, administrative, marketing and technological aspects of the wine industry.

Question Title

* 3. Best Wine Reviews on a Wine Blog

Criteria: 1) Should have wine reviews as the primary content on their blog. 2) Should consistently deliver insightful and well-presented wine reviews. 3) Should have made an extra effort to use wine reviews to educate their readers. 4) Should heighten the reputation of the wine blogging genre for providing excellent consumer advice.

Question Title

* 4. Best Single Subject Wine Blog

Criteria: 1) Should have as the focus of the blog a single, relatively narrow subject such as a country, a single appellation, a single varietal or type of wine, retailing, wine tourism, one aspect of the business of wine or any other narrow focus that seeks to consistently illuminate that specific single subject. 2) Should demonstrate a command of, or expertise in, the single subject upon which it focuses. 3) Should be among the best sources of information in any genre for information on the chosen subject matter.

Question Title

* 5. Best Winery Blog

Criteria: 1) Should have done an outstanding job of using the blog format to convey the unique nature of a working winery. 2) Should have used the blog to create a more intimate connection between consumers and the winery.

Question Title

* 6. Best Writing On a Wine Blog

Criteria: 1) Should put the English language to great use. 2) Should write with a demonstrably original voice that conveys a personal style. 3) Should consistently demonstrate a command of the English language to convey original, insightful and entertaining messages.

Question Title

* 7. Best New Wine Blog

Due to an unfortunate error, we left out one finalist on the list of Best New Wine Blogs. To correct this, we have canceled the voting that occurred to date and reinstated the voting for this category only at a new survey at Please copy this URL and fill out that survey after you have completed this one. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Question Title

* 8. Best Blog Post of the Year

We’re excited to present a first for the Wine Blog Awards. This new award is for outstanding examples of feature writing on a wine blog. The award winning post might address industry issues, wine travel, personality profiles or any other aspect of wine. However, the judging criteria will focus on quality of the writing, the expression of the blogger’s unique voice and insightful expression by the writer. Criteria: 1) Should be a single post (or single story broken into multiple posts for readability) expresses a unique point of view about wine, life related to wine, or other wine-related experience. 2) Should be considered a distinguished example of quality blog writing that conveys an original and insightful exploration of a wine-related topic

Question Title

* 9. Best Overall Wine Blog

Criteria: 1) Should continually produce entertaining and educational information. 2) Should contain well-written prose and well produced posts. 3) Should demonstrate independent and original ideas and insights. 4) Should be of such high quality overall it can compete with any other wine information resources in any other medium. 5) Should be able in its overall form, content and presentation to advance the reputation of the wine blogging genre.