In preparation for a new Feature section to NASJE News about court staff education, please complete this survey before November 22, 2012 (Thanksgiving). The first article in this feature will contain a summary of the survey results. Many thanks!

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* 1. In which state do you work?

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* 2. What is your title?

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* 3. Does your state have a unified court system?

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* 4. Are any of your non-judicial court staff unionized?

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* 5. What is your total education budget for this year?

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* 6. Do you support non-judicial staff education from your department? (If your answer is no, you do not need to complete any more of this survey.)

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* 7. How many non-judicial staff members do you support?

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* 8. What types of non-judicial staff members do you support? (ex. court reporters, clerks of court, juvenile court officers, etc.)

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* 9. What portion of your budget will be spent on court staff education?

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* 10. Does your court have any required education for court staff?

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* 11. What types of education have you presented in the past for non-judicial court staff? Please include topic, audience, and delivery method in your description.

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* 12. What types of non-judicial staff education are you planning to provide over the next 12 months?

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* 13. What requests for staff education have you received that you have not been able to address?

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* 14. Over the next five years, what types of court staff education do you feel will become increasingly important?

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* 15. Have you used live online delivery methods for court staff education, such as webinars or other synchronous distance education?

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* 16. Have you used pre-recorded online delivery methods for court staff education, such as audio or video accessed from the web or intranet, computer-based training modules, or other asynchronous electronic delivery methods?

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* 17. Have you used the National Center for State Court's (NCSC) Institute for Court Management curriculum as part of your court staff education?

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* 18. What types of topics around non-judicial court staff education would you like to see addressed in NASJE News?

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* 19. Have you created or do you know of any particular court staff education programs that would be good to feature in NASJE News?

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* 20. If you're willing to be contacted about your non-judicial court staff education for the newsletter, please provide your contact information (name, title, email, phone) below.