1. Default Section

Question Title

* 1. How long have you been listening to WFMU?

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* 2. How did you first hear about WFMU?

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* 3. How often do you listen to WFMU?

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* 4. When listening to WFMU, what percentage of time do you use the following options?

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* 5. Where do you live?

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* 6. Do you consider WFMU a primary source for new music and music you've never heard before?

Question Title

* 7. Where else do you find out about new music and music you've never heard before?
(Please be specific and expansive; include radio [broadcast and internet], websites/blogs, newsgroups, magazines [print and online], social networking sites, clubs, etc.)

Question Title

* 8. How often do you visit wfmu.org?

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* 9. What do you regularly check out at wfmu.org?

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* 10. How easily do you find what you are looking for on the station's website?

Question Title

* 11. What do you think about the station's website?
(What do you like, and do you have any suggested improvements for the site?)

Question Title

* 12. What other radio stations do you listen to regularly? (Please specify)

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* 13. Have you attended any of the following WFMU events?

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* 14. Are there other events that WFMU could hold that you would attend? (If so, please specify)

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* 15. Which of the following age groups do you fall under?

Question Title

* 16. Do you donate to WFMU?

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* 17. Does the swag that we offer influence your donation?

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* 18. What WFMU swag influences your donation? (Please check all applicable)

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* 19. If you could improve the marathon, how so?

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* 20. Do you donate to other arts institutions or cultural organizations?

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* 21. What other causes do you donate to? (Please check all appropriate)

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* 22. Do you still purchase music?

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* 23. What formats were your last 5 music purchases in? (Please check all appropriate options)

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* 24. Besides the annual marathon, are there any other fundraising ideas that you would like to see WFMU try?

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* 25. If you could change one thing about WFMU, what would it be?

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* 26. May we contact you for further questions sometime in the future?

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* 27. Please tell us anything else that you'd like to say...